Abu Jahl
وكذلك جعلنا لكل نبي عدوا من المجرمين وكفى بربك هاديا ونصيرا (31) سورة الفرقان
And thus have We made for every Prophet, an enemy of the people who are guilty and enough is thy Lord (O Muhammad) became leader (the road to beat them) as well as a Helper (you against them).
Sentiasa meperolok Prophet when the king convey the Islamic da'wah to the people of Makkah and the people who came outside Makkah pilgrims. He also has brought together residents of Mecca to mock the prophet purpose of Israk and Ascension.
Killed in the battle of Badr.
Abu Lahab and his wife
تبت يدا أبي لهب وتب (1) ما أغنى عنه ماله وما كسب (2) سيصلى نارا ذات لهب (3) وامرأته حمالة الحطب (4) في جيدها حبل من مسد (5) سورة المسد
Perish the two hands of Abu Lahab and perish he shared; (1) His wealth and all that is earned, it can not help him. (2) He will suffer the fire of Hell lively burnt looming. (3) And his wife, a woman pemunggah wood fire. (4) The type of rope around his neck, of twisted ropes. (5)
Abu Lahab Blaschke disease in his head after being hit by Umm Fadhil. These diseases such as epidemic .. all org Quraishi afraid to touch the body hinggakan bodies were left just three days at home without dikafan / interred.
Ukbah bin Abu Muit
(عقبة بن أبي معيط)
ويوم يعض الظالم على يديه يقول يا ليتني اتخذت مع الرسول سبيلا (27) سورة الفرقان
And (remind) about the people who do wrong to bite both hands (marahkan himself) and said: It would be nice if I (the world's first) take the right path together Apostle?
According to at-Tabari and Ibn Kathir explains THAT dlm commentary on this verse was revealed specifically told about Utbah bin Abu Muit. "People who do wrong" in this verse is Utbah bin Abu Muit.
Al-Walid bin al-Mughirahوقالوا لولا نزل هذا القرآن على رجل من القريتين عظيم (31) سورة الزخرفAnd (because they mencemuh Prophet Muhammad) they say: (Even if the Quran is evidence prophetic person, then) duly Koran was revealed to a large (rich and influential) of one of two airports that (fame) it?
ذرني ومن خلقت وحيدا (11) وجعلت له مالا ممدودا (12) وبنين شهودا (13) ومهدت له تمهيدا (14) ثم يطمع أن أزيد (15) سورة المدثر(Do you waver, O Muhammad) let I sahaja reply to people (who fight you) that I created him (in a state) alone (not affluent and son offspring), and I will make him great wealth, as well as children pinak (crowded) , who was always at his side. And I made it easy for him (earn wealth and power) with as easy as possible. Then he wanted so, so I add again;According to at-Tabari, when the Prophet Muhammad explain THAT Koran Allah revealed to him was the realization that he was a messenger, the disbelievers of Makkah said that all of it is sheer magic. They indict, if only the Koran is dalah drp Allah, surely he revealed to an influential and thoughtful in one of a two city famous (Makkah and Ta'if) ie Al-Walid bin al-Mughirah of Makkah or Habib bin Amr bin Umair as-Thaqafy (حبيب بن عمرو بن عمير الثقفي) of Taef.
Tabari in his commentary explaining THAT person referred to in this paragraph are Al-Walid bin al-Mughirah. He was born by his mother in a state of no treasure (poor). Then Allah make her a rich treasure, and many children.
Al-Akhnas bin Syarik(الأخنس بن شريق الثقفي)
ولا تطع كل حلاف مهين (10) هماز مشاء بنميم (11) مناع للخير معتد أثيم (12) عتل بعد ذلك زنيم (13) سورة القلمAnd do thou (ranging from convictions are correct and do not) according kemahuan person who always swears, more humble (opinions and deeds); Who likes to berate, again like to spread slander incitement (to break up the crowd belahkan); Which often hinder deeds of virtue, in violation of religious laws, again very sinful; The wicked cruel, that in addition it does of course also his father.Tabari and Ibn Kathir dlm exegesis, the person intended by the spreaders of slander (نميم) it is الأخنس بن شريق الثقفي while the person intended by not known who nasabnya (زنيم) it is الأسود بن عبد يغوث الزهري
Abdullah bin Abu Umaiyah
وقالوا لن نؤمن لك حتى تفجر لنا من الأرض ينبوعا (90) أو تكون لك جنة من نخيل وعنب فتفجر الأنهار خلالها تفجيرا (91) أو تسقط السماء كما زعمت علينا كسفا أو تأتي بالله والملائكة قبيلا (92) أو يكون لك بيت من زخرف أو ترقى في السماء ولن نؤمن لرقيك حتى تنزل علينا كتابا نقرؤه قل سبحان ربي هل كنت إلا بشرا رسولا (93) وما منع الناس أن يؤمنوا إذ جاءهم الهدى إلا أن قالوا أبعث الله بشرا رسولا (94) قل لو كان في الأرض ملائكة يمشون مطمئنين لنزلنا عليهم من السماء ملكا رسولا (95) قل كفى بالله شهيدا بيني وبينكم إنه كان بعباده خبيرا بصيرا (96) سورة الإسراءAnd they say: We are not ever going to believe in you (O Muhammad), so that you emit springs from the earth, for Us. Or (that) you have a garden of trees tamar and wine, then you drain the rivers of cracks with a stream of emitted continuously. Or (so) you abort the sky above us in pieces, as you say (will apply); or (so) you bring God and the angels to our witnesses. Or (that) thou have a house adorned of gold; or (that) you go up into the sky and we were not ever going to believe about kenaikanmu into the sky before you send down to us a book that we can read it. Say (O Muhammad): Glory to my Lord! Am I just a man who became the Apostle ?. There is not that prevented the idolaters of faith when it comes to those hidayat instructions, but (their disbelief about man became the Apostle, so that) they said hairan: Should God sent a man to the Prophet? Say (O Muhammad): If anyone on earth, angels walking and living inhabit, we would be sent down to them from heaven, the angel who became apostles. Say it again: Allah is sufficient to be a witness between you; He is actually the depth Amat prescience, again Amat Seeing His servants will state.
An-Nadar ibn al-Harith
وأقسموا بالله جهد أيمانهم لئن جاءهم نذير ليكونن أهدى من إحدى الأمم فلما جاءهم نذير ما زادهم إلا نفورا (42) سورة فاطرAnd they swear by Allah with His true oath: For indeed if there came to them a Messenger giver memory and a warning, they certainly will be people who are more correct way of any religion other generations. When there came to them a Messenger giver memory and warning, (hence his coming) only causes them to grow wild from the truth.He has reserved that Prophet Muhammad was killed. Wanted to kill the Prophet Muhammad. When he wanted to stab Prophet from behind with his sword unsheathed, sudden fear and trembling master himself. Then he canceled hasrtanya and run in a state of fear. Finally he had been a prisoner of war of Badr under Miqdad. Prophet Muhammad had ordered him killed. Saidina Ali has run this command after Miqdad itself unable to do so.
Al-Aswad bin Muttalib
(الأسود بن المطلب)
وليحملن أثقالهم وأثقالا مع أثقالهم وليسألن يوم القيامة عما كانوا يفترون (13) سورة العنكبوت
And verily, they shall bear the burdens of their sins and burdens (the sins of the people they lead astray) together with the burdens of sin themselves and indeed they will be questioned on the Day of Judgment later about what they've forged it is a lie.
Abi Shaybah and Utbah bin Rabiah
شيرا ونذيرا فأعرض أكثرهم فهم لا يسمعون (4) وقالوا قلوبنا في أكنة مما تدعونا إليه وفي آذاننا وقر ومن بيننا وبينك حجاب فاعمل إننا عاملون (5) سورة فصلتHe brings encouraging news (for those who believe) and carry a warning (to the disbelievers); in the meantime most of them turned negative (do not want to know and understand), hence the reason that they did not receive and did not obey. And they say: Our hearts are under cover multi-layered (stonewall us) rather than understanding what you call upon us to him and to our ears plug (makes us unable to hear), and between us with you there Blocking (separating fahaman us) ; by it, work for you (to religion), indeed, we also continue to work (to maintain our confidence)!Killed in the battle of Badr
Al-Aswad bin Abdu Yaghuth
الأسود بن عبد يغوث الزهري
إنا كفيناك المستهزئين (95) سورة الحجر
Verily We maintain and escort you from the evil people who taunted and mocked-mempersendakanmu.
One powerful harm and mock the Prophet Muhammad Prophet prayed sehinggakan اللهم أعم بصره, وأثكله ولده [O Allah, blinded eyes. Destroy (pupuskan) offspring].
Al-Harith bin Qais
أَفَرَأَيْتَ مَنِ اتَّخَذَ إِلَهَهُ هَوَاهُ
وَأَضَلَّهُ اللَّهُ عَلَى عِلْمٍ وَخَتَمَ عَلَى سَمْعِهِ وَقَلْبِهِ
وَجَعَلَ عَلَى بَصَرِهِ غِشَاوَةً فَمَنْ يَهْدِيهِ مِنْ بَعْدِ اللَّهِ
أَفَلَا تَذَكَّرُونَ (23)
سورة الجاثية
Dengan yang demikian, bagaimana fikiranmu (wahai Muhammad) terhadap
orang yang menjadikan hawa nafsunya: Tuhan yang dipatuhinya dan dia pula
disesatkan oleh Allah kerana diketahuiNya (bahawa dia tetap kufur
ingkar) dan dimeteraikan pula atas pendengarannya dan hatinya serta
diadakan lapisan penutup atas penglihatannya? Maka siapakah lagi yang
dapat memberi hidayat petunjuk kepadanya sesudah Allah (menjadikan dia
berkeadaan demikian)? Oleh itu, mengapa kamu (wahai orang-orang yang
ingkar) tidak ingat dan insaf ?Said bin Al-Asلا تجد قوما يؤمنون بالله واليوم الآخر يوادون من حاد الله ورسوله ولو كانوا آباءهم أو أبناءهم أو إخوانهم أو عشيرتهم أولئك كتب في قلوبهم الإيمان وأيدهم بروح منه ويدخلهم جنات تجري من تحتها الأنهار خالدين فيها رضي الله عنهم ورضوا عنه أولئك حزب الله ألا إن حزب الله هم المفلحون (22) سورة المجادلةYou will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, tergamak amorous-intimate with those who oppose the (command) of Allah and His Messenger, even those who oppose it are their fathers, or their sons or their brothers or their kindred. They (the faithful) that God has established faith in their hearts and has strengthened them with a spirit from Him for help and He will admit them into heaven that flowed beneath several rivers, they remain eternally therein. God will blow over them and they subside (and grateful) will favor his gifts. They are advocates-advocates (religion) of Allah. Know! Indeed, advocates-advocates (religion) of Allah it is those who are victorious.
Ubai bin Khalaf(أبي بن خلف)
ويل لكل همزة لمزة (1) الذي جمع مالا وعدده (2) يحسب أن ماله أخلده (3) كلا لينبذن في الحطمة (4) وما أدراك ما الحطمة (5) نار الله الموقدة (6) التي تطلع على الأفئدة (7) إنها عليهم مؤصدة (8) في عمد ممددة (9) سورة الهمزةMajor accidents for every pencaci, pengeji, Yang collect treasures and repetitive counting his wealth; He thought THAT riches can mengekalkannya (in this world)! No! Indeed, he will be thrown into "Al-Hutamah". And what a way you can find out, what he "Al-Hutamah" it? (Al-Hutamah) is the fire of Allah kindled (the commandments); The climb soaring into the liver; Indeed, the Fire into a vault over them. (They are bound in situ) on the trunks of the transverse beam length.أولم ير الإنسان أنا خلقناه من نطفة فإذا هو خصيم مبين (77) سورة يسDoes not man see and know, THAT We have created him from (setitis) water the seeds? In the meantime (after we perfected it happens and force strength) then by arbitrarily exceptant becomes for him a bright, clear denial (about the power we turned the original people who die).
Ubai bin Khalaf said to the Prophet "I keep a horse being fed enough. I will kill you with riding it someday." the Prophet said: "God willing, I am the one who will kill you."He had been wounded in the battle of Uhud after being stabbed with a spear by the Prophet Muhammad. Although the injury suffered is a little, but his pain so he can mersai dirasai and that he was going to die as a result of the keceraan. Finally, he died on his way back to Makkah.
Al-As bin Wail
إن شانئك هو الأبتر (3) سورة الكوثرSurely those who bencikan thee, hath cut off (from got any case she wants).
أفرأيت الذي كفر بآياتنا و قال لأوتين مالا و ولدا(77) Have you ever seen people who do not believe in our revelations, and he said: Behold, I will be given wealth and children. Maryam.
Al-'As bin Wail come menempahkan a sword to Khabbab bin al-Aratti (one who embraced Islam at the beginning of Islam). Once ready sword, he continues to bring forth his sword without pay (debt).
After a long time Khabbab collect the debt, but he was reluctant to pay even said; "Hi Khabbab, do not you (followers of Muhammad) says that in heaven that one day there will be gold, and silver, and various kinds of silk fabrics and various kinds of fruits anyway?"
Khabbab replied: "Yes!"
Then al-'As bin Wail said: "I paid my debt it would be just in the hereafter. By Allah, in the next I'll be hartabenda and children, and I will be God what is mentioned in the book you were."
Umaiyah bin Khalaf
(أمية بن خلف)
ويل لكل همزة لمزة (1) الذي جمع مالا وعدده (2) يحسب أن ماله أخلده (3) كلا لينبذن في الحطمة (4) سورة الهمزة
Major accidents for every pencaci, pengeji, (1) that collect treasures and repetitive counting his wealth; (2) He thinks that his wealth THAT can mengekalkannya (in this world)! (3) No! Indeed, he will be thrown into "Al-Hutamah". (4)
Killed in the battle of Badr
Nabbih and Munabbih bin Hajjaj
ثم تولوا عنه وقالوا معلم مجنون (14) سورة الدخان
Yet, they also turned to disbelieve than to accept his statement, saying (among themselves): He was a man who taught (by foreigners), he was a wild man!
Killed in the battle of Badr
Rasulullah apology S.A.W .: Enemies Will Be Killing Ends Brotherhood
An Arab man named Tsumamah bin Itsal of the tribe of Al Yamamah go to Medina with the intention to kill the Prophet peace and blessings alaihi wa sallam. All preparations have been done, weaponry already bears, and he had already entered into the holy city where the Prophet lived it. With the spirit of the overabundance he sought majlis the Prophet, direct didatanginya to carry out its purpose. When Tsumamah come, Umar bin Khattab. immediately confronted him who saw bad signs on the appearance of the person.Umar asked, "What is the purpose for coming to Madinah? Are not you a polytheist? "Tsumamah openly answered, "I came to this country just to kill Muhammad!".Hearing his words, deftly direct Umar memberangusnya. Tsumamah Umar could not resist the mighty, he could not make a resistance. Umar managed to seize his weapon and tied her hands and then taken to the mosque. After tying Tsumamah in one of the pillars of the mosque Umar immediately reported this incident to the Prophet.Rasulullah leave to the person who intends to kill it. On arrival at the binding, he studied the face Tsumamah well, then said to his companions, "Do any of you who have fed?".Shahabat Apostles who were there certainly shocked by the question of the Prophet. Umar, who had been waiting for orders the Prophet to kill this man as if he could not believe what he had heard from the Prophet.Umar then ventured to ask, "What would you mean O Messenger of Allah? These people came here to kill not want to convert to Islam! "But the Prophet ignored Umar rebuttal. He said, "Please bring me a glass of milk out of my house, and go to strap the man".Although surprised, Umar obey the command of Allah.After giving drink Tsumamah, Messenger politely said to him, "Say Laa ilaha illa- Llah (There is no god but Allah)."The polytheists replied testily, "I will not say it!".Rasulullah persuade again, "Say, I testify there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of God."However Tsumamah still said sternly, "I will not say it!"The companion of the Apostle who saw certainly be furious against those who do not know the profit. But the Messenger even freed and sent him away. Tsumamah Unbelievers got up as if he might return to his country. But yet how far from the mosque, he returned to the Prophet with wajahramah glow.He said, "O Messenger of Allah, I testify there is no God but Allah and you Muhammad..adalah Apostle of Allah."Prophet smiled and asked, "Why did not you say it when I commanded you?"Tsumamah replied, "I did not say it when they have not been freed because you worry there who think I converted to Islam for fear you. But after you release, I went Islamsemata-eye because keredhaan hope Allah the Lord of Alamin. "On one occasion, Tsumamah bin Itsal said, "When I entered the city of Medina, nothing is more hated than Muhammad. But after I leave the city, no one on earth who is more loved in addition to the Prophet Muhammad. "Salam 'Alaika O Messenger of Allah ...اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما صليت على إبراهيم وآل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد, وبارك على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما باركت على إبراهيم وآل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد"Ya Allah give mercy to Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as you have memberikanrahmat to Abraham and the family of Ibrahim, verily Thou Almighty Mahaterpuji again. And give gifts to Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as You have given grace to Abraham and the family of Ibrahim, verily Thou Almighty Mahaterpuji again ". HR. Ahmad, Nasa'i and Abu Ya'la with authentic sanad
Hadiths Regarding the story of Dajjal when shackled An island at the time of the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallamImam Muslim narrated by sanadnya of Amr bin Ash-sya'bi Syurahil Hamdan tribe, that he once asked Fatima bint Qais, brother of the woman Adh-Dhahhak bin Qais, one muhajirah (hijrah female participants) the first batch. Amir said to Fatimah, "Convey me a hadeeth that you heard from the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam directly without going through other people." Fatima replied, "If you want I'll do." Amir said, "Yes, tell me." Fatimah said, "I used to mate with Ibnul Mughirah, a young man of Quraysh were good at the time, and he was killed in the first jihad along with Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wasallam. When I am a widow, my proposed by Abdur Rahman bin Auf, one of a group of friends Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam ask my favor for a former slave named Usamah bin Zaid, while I never get the news that the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam once said, "Whoever loves me let him love Osama. "So when the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam convey his courtship to me, I said, "My business is in your hands, because it nikahkanlah me with anyone you want." Then he said, "Change to the house of Umm Syarik." And Umm Syarik are a wealthy woman from the Ansar who likes to do infaq in the way of God and is visited by guests. Then I said, "Would I perform." Then he said, "Do not you do, in fact Um Syarik was a woman who often visited by guests, and I do not like the veil (hijab) mu apart or clothes open and looked calves, and seen by people that what you do not like. Teteapi move to house your uncle's son Abdullah ibn Amr Ibn Umm Maktum "(a man of Banih FAHR, ie Fihr Quraysh, who among Abdullah and Fatima they were born). Then I - said Fatima resume - moved there.When the waiting period I had finished, I heard the intriguing artisan Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam called Ash-Shalaatu Jaami'ah (Pray with congregation). Then I went to the mosque and pray together with the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam dansay are in rows woman in the back rows of men. When the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam after prayers, he sat on the pulpit smiling and said, "Let each people remain in prayer." Then he continued, "Do you know why I gathered you?" They answered, "Allah and His Messenger are more understanding." He said, "By Allah, I do not collect you as happy or hate. I gather you guys because Tamim ad-Dari, a follower of Christianity, have allegiance to convert to Islam and he told me about a problem that according to what I've to tell you about Masih Ad-Dajjal. He told me that he had a boat ride along the thirty people consisting of people with leprosy and leprosy. Then they slammed the waves for a month at sea, then they sought refuge to an island in the middle of the ocean to arrive in the area of sunset. Then they used a small boat and entered the island. There they met an animal whose fur is very dense to not look where qubulnya and where the anus, because the dense fur. They said on the animal, "Damn you! Who are you? "The beast answered," I am Al-Jassasah. "They asked," Is Al-Jassasah it? "He replied," O people go to those who are in this monastery, because she missed the news of you. "Tamim said," When the beast we call someone away from him, because we were afraid of the beast is the devil. Then we set off quickly until we entered the monastery, suddenly there was a man who was very big and strapping her body, her hands shackled to her neck, between his knees and ankles were chained with iron. We asked, "Who are you?" He replied, "You can uncover the story was, therefore tidings of me just exactly who these guys?" They mnejawab, we are the people of the Arab. We boarded the boat and we were adrift at sea toyed with the waves for a month, then we find shelter for your island is, by climbing a small boat that was here and then we entered this island, and we met an animal whose fur is very dense to not where qabulnya visible and where the anus because the dense fur. Then we asked, "Damn you! Who are you? "The beast answered," I am Al-Jassasah. "They asked," Is Al-Jassasah it? "He replied," O people go to those who are in this monastery, because she missed the news of you. "Then we ran to meet and left him, and we felt unsafe because perhaps he was a demon."He (the man) said, "Please be telling us about the village Nakh Baisan." We asked, "About what?" He said, "Behold, verily trees kurman will not bear fruit again." And he asked, "Please tell me about the lake Ath-Thabariah. "We asked," About what? "he asked," Is there any water. "We replied," The water is a lot. "he said," Know the water will run out. "Then he said, "Tell me about the country 'Ain Sughar." We asked, "About what?" he replied, "Is the source still removing water that can be used residents to sprinkle the plants." We replied, "the water is aplenty and residents use it for watering their crops . "He said again," Please tell me about the Prophet of Ummi, what is he doing? "We replied," He had emigrated to leave Mecca to Yathrib. "He asked," Do the Arabs fight it? "We answered," Yes . "he asked again," What he did to them? ": then informed that he was helping the Arabs who followed him, and they obey him. He asked, "Is this true?" We answered, "Yes." He said, "Know that it's better for them to comply. And need I tell you that I was the Messiah (Ad-Dajjal). And I would be allowed out, which later I would roam the earth, then none of the village but I frequent for forty nights kecuail Mecca and Thaibah (Medina), because these two cities are forbidden on me. Every time I want to enter one of them, I was stopped by an angel who drew the sword, and every aisle there are angels who guard it. "Fatimah said, "Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam bersabada while matching (sticking) little stick in the pulpit, 'This is Thaibah, here Thaibah, this Thaibah, namely Medina.' 'Remember, it is not I already tell you about it?" People responded "Yes." Later, he said, "I'm surprised the story of Tamim in accordance with that what I have told you, also on the city of Medina and Mecca. Know that he is in the sea Sham, or in the Sea of Yemen. Oh no, tetapai he will come from the east, toward the east, toward the east. "And he gestured with his hand pointing to the east. Fatimah said, "So I have memorized from the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wasallam."Ibn Hajar said, "Some scholars believe that the hadith of Fatimah bint Qais is a Gharib Hadith narrated only by individuals, but they are not. Besides narrated this hadith of Fatimah bint Qais also narrated from Abu Hurairah, Aishah and Jabir (Fath al Bahri 13: 328)Slander and Disastrous End Times, Abu Fathiah Al-Adnani, Prints 1, Page 220-224---------------Because this article is written with the statistics of the most visited, perhaps because the title is no writing The Story of the Antichrist, so with keywords from Google that Acts of the Antichrist, will refer to this article.Therefore, in this article I will add more information about the Dajjal. Update this paper will be gradual.---------------From Nawwas bi Sam'an mentioned: On the morning of the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam told about Dajjal quietly, and then his voice rising as if Dajjal has been in one of the palm groves (in Medina). We moved from the assembly him, then we come again. It seems he knew, and said, "What?"We replied, "O Messenger of Allah, this morning to tell you about the Dajjal softly and raised his voice, so we thought Dajjal has appeared on one of the palm groves". The Prophet of Allaah alaihi wasallam said, "There is in addition Dajjal more I'm worried about. If Dajjal out now, I'll deal with it, but if he came out after I am gone, each of you deal with it. Allaah made my successor on an every Muslim. Dajjal is a young man with curly hair, her right hand celek, I menyerupakannya with Abdul Uzza bin Qathan (Quraish men who live in the age of ignorance). If anyone see him read the letter al-Kahf. He came out of a road between Syria and Iraq, and he did perish fro. O servants of Allah, remain in the deen of you! "We asked, "O Messenger of Allah, how long he was on the earth? The Apostle of Allaah alaihi wasallam replied, "Forty days. One day like a year, one day like a month, one day like a week, the rest of the day as a typical day. "We asked," O Messenger of Allah, one day like a year that, if enough prayers a day? "The Prophet of Allaah alaihi wasallam answered again, "No, but estimate only for a year. "We asked," How fast way? "The Prophet of Allaah 'alaihi wasallam said," Like a cloud blown by the wind. Dajjal came to a people and call on them, then they believe in him and obey him. He commanded the sky, and rain fell. He commanded the earth, out of plants. Hump camel and cattle milk bag full. Then he came to a people and urged them to believe in him, but they refused his call. Then he left the area, then they are overwritten drought until they do not have the slightest treasure. Once he passed the building collapsed and said, 'Get out your treasure!', Then followed him like bees fly treasure. Then he called a young man and her with his sword until his body was torn in two. Then he called again, the young man who had torn it rose with a laugh Dajjal. At that moment appeared Jesus' alaihisalam, then pursue Dajjal and found him at the city gate of Lud (in Palestine), and then he kills the Dajjal. "(Muslim)Hadiths detail:Have told us [Abu Khaitsamah Zuhair bin Harb] told us [Al Walid bin Muslim] has told me [Rahman bin Yazid bin Jabir] has told me [Yahya bin Jabir Ath Tho`i] Himsh judge, has told me [ Aburrahman bin Jubair] from [his father, Nufair bin Jubair Al Hadlrami] he heard [An Nawwas bin Sam'an Al Kilabi]. Has told me [Muhammad bin Mihran Ar Razi], the text of his, had told us [Al Walid bin Muslim] told us [Abdurrahman bin Yazid bin Jabir] of [Yahya bin Jabir Ath Tha`i] of [Abdurrahman bin Jubair bin Nufair] from [his father, Jubair bin Nufair] from [an Nawwas bin Sam'an] said: one morning, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam refer to the Dajjal, lowered his voice and mengeraskannya until we assumed were disekelompok palm trees. We left the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam and then we came back again, he knew it to us then he asked: "Why you?" Our answer: O Messenger of Allah, Tuan refer to the Dajjal one morning, Mr. lowered and raised his voice until we assumed No disekelompok palm trees, he said: "in addition to Dajjal more I'm worried about you guys, when he showed up and I was in the midst of you, I'll beat him, not you, and when he showed up and I was not there in the midst of you, then everyone was a defender himself and God is my successor upon every Muslim, he is young curls, his eyes bulging, like 'Abdu Al' Uzza bin Qathan. Anyone among you who saw it let read the beginning of surat Al-Kahf, he appeared between Sham and 'Iraq and make a lot of damage right hand and the left, O servants of Allah, How Firm you. "We asked: How long will he stay on the earth? Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam said: "Forty days, one day like a year, one day like a month, one day like a week and the other days like your days." We asked: O Messenger of Allah, what do Tuan about one day like a year, enough that we pray for a day? Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam replied: "No, but estimate its size." We asked: O Messenger of Allah, how the speed of the earth? Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Salam said: As the rain ending in the wind. He went to the people and call them, they accept it, he ordered the sky to bring down rain, the sky rained down, he commanded the earth to issue herbs, earth and pulled the plants and animals they went with the hump length, hull width and a pouch containing milk and destruction came and he said to him: 'Remove your mistress treasure.' then followed a treasure stash as the male bees. Then he called upon a young man, he struck her with a sword and then cutting it off in two parts and then called him, he came memanggut-manggutkan his face, laughing, when he was like that, suddenly 'Isa son of Maryam down in east Damascus at the white tower with wearing za'faran two berwantek shirt as he put his hands on the wings of two angels, when he lowered his head, water hatch and when she looked up sweat pouring like a pearl, it is not infidel smell him except death and the smell of his breath as far as his eyes could see. Isa search for Dajjal up to meet him at the door of Ludd and killed him. After that Jesus son of Mary came to a people that is guarded by God from the Dajjal. He wiped their faces and tell their ranks in heaven. As they like it, Allah revealed to him: 'Behold, I have issued my servants, no one can fight against them, because it is lead away my servants to Thur. God sent Gog and Magog, 'From all sides they come quickly.' (Al Anbiyaa`: 96) Then the forefront across the lake Tabari and drink then the rear crossing, they said: 'That was no water here.' prophet of Allah Jesus and his companions were surrounded by buffalo head belonged to one of them is better than a hundred dinars belonging to any one of you today, then God's prophet Jesus and his companions wanted God sent a worm around their necks and then they die a death of the soul, and 'Isa and his companions arrived, there was not one inch of any place but have been met by the carcasses and the stench of their blood. Then Jesus and his companions pray to Allah then Allah sent birds like the neck of a camel. The bird took them and threw them as the will of God, then God sent the rain to them, no house of fur or house from the ground that prevents the rain, the rain soaked earth up and leave puddles everywhere. God bless fertility up to a group of people simply by camel milking, the tribe simply a cash cow and a few relatives to be content with milking goats. When they are like that, suddenly Allah sent a gentle breeze and take the lives of every person and the believers are Muslims under their armpits, and the remaining humans are bad, they made love in a calm everyone like a donkey mating. Then upon them that the apocalypse happened. "It has told us [Ali bin Hujr As Sa'di] told us [Abdullah bin Aburrahman bin Yazid bin Jabir] and [Al Walid bin Muslim], said Ibn Hujr: Hadits one blend in another hadith. From [Abdurrahman bin Yazid bin Jabir] the sanad of this as we have mentioned, but he added after the words of his: "It was here there was water," "They walked up to the mountain wine, mountain Baitul Maqdis, they say: 'We have killed people on earth, let us kill in the sky. "they scored their arrows into the sky, and God reverse their arrows bermerah blood." Mentioned in the history of Ibn Hujr: "Behold, I have lowered my servants, no no one can fight against them. "[HR. Saheeh Muslim: 5228, Fitan Book, Chapter Dizkrud Dajjal]-In the 'Armageddon, the End of War "Vishnu Saso compromise between the hadith about the Dajjal that the first day like a year by relating the events Ad-Dukhan (smoke) will appear. Dukkhan events that will appear at the end of time caused by a meteorite strike hit the earth, causing the smoke affecting all human beings. Events smoke (fog) that causes the sun closed so unobstructed rays on earth, and this continued for a year. Therefore the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wasallam still ordered that the man made his prayers by a matter of time (distance) rather than with the number of those days. And Allah knows best bish showab.But the argument needs to be considered because there is no history that explains that the Dajjal able to resist rotation of the sun. It was, as mentioned in the history of Imam Al-Hakim and Nu'aim bin Hammad Al-Fitan
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