DOOMSDAY signs have already appeared in Mecca, ABU DHABI, Dan INDONESIA

signs of the apocalypse in Mecca1. High-Rise Beyond Mountains

High-Rise Beyond Mountains

Dream - Prophet Muhammad reported that one of the signs that the end is near is when many buildings are taller than a mountain.In a history explained that the buildings are so towering height. Ibn Abi Shaybah narrated with sanadnya to Ya'la ibn Ata 'from his father, he said, one day, I guided the reins camel Abdullah ibn Amr, and then he said:"When you have seen huge pits in Mecca, and the buildings towering over the mountains, then know that the apocalypse has come to you." (HR. Ibn Abi Abi Shaybah and al-Arzaqi)2. Mount-Mount Mecca Start Punched

Mount-Mount Mecca Start Punched
Dream - The Prophet also explained that the apocalypse will happen if the mountains in the city of Mecca has been perforated. It is certainly difficult to be understood by the public at the time of the Prophet's life. But in fact it is already happening today.The mountains in the city of Mecca has now been perforated in the form of a tunnel. Mecca also nicknamed the City Tunnel as it has dozens of tunnels. In 2011 alone, Mecca started construction of 55 tunnels through the mountains and several roads.Rasulullah SAW said: "If you see the mountains in Mecca there was a hole that pierces through".3. Shadow Kabah No Longer Looks
Shadow Kabah No Longer Looks
Dream - King of the Prophet Muhammad also said that the apocalypse will happen if Al Hour has stretched its shadow so that the shadow of the Kaaba is no longer visible. Al-Hour was one of the sense of doom.While in Arabic, Al-Hour was also intended as a clock. Therefore Sheikh directly interpret apocalypse almost time also occurs when the shadow of the clock tower covering the Kaaba.
signs of the apocalypse in dubai
Signs mark had been accepted in those sayings of the Prophet clincher Doomsday 1500 yrs ago today Has appeared in Dubai. In one fruit of history, the Angel Gabriel had come buatmenjumpai Prophet Muhammad. Gabriel came with the human form.

He came with a beautiful appearance. Wear very white withering reply overlaid color jet black hair. He came to dialogue with the Prophet Muhammad for giving instruction on the chum. Jibril asked about Islam, faith, and charity. Afterwards he asked regarding a sign of doom. Among the Prophet's reply,وأن ترى الحفاة العراة العالة رعاء الشاء يتطاولون في البنيان"And when you see those who do not take place with footwear, unclad, indigent, and the goatherd, (further) vying menciptakanbangunan eminence." (Muslim)These are among the signs of the apocalypse HRI. HRI sign of doom some good nature. There is also unsightly. There as well as just about any information or marks which are not original baikmaupun not good. Just simply sign & info so that people are aware that the apocalypse would take place. For example, as vying to create a building that is high.In another hadith, which was narrated by Imam Ahmad from Ibn Abbas radi 'anhuma, no additional information. Ibn Abbas asked the Prophet:يا رسول الله, ومن أصحاب الشاء والحفاة الجياع العالة قال: العرب"O Messenger of Allah, and who is the shepherd, people who do not use the slippers, in conditions that are hungry and poor?" He replied, "Arabs." (Musnad Ahmad, IV / 332-334)Word he is real! More real than any opinion concerning evidence.What Prophet had mentioned exactly who walked in Dubai, an emirate (province) in the United Arab Emirates country so the fact that some of the evidence from the Prophet.Emirates DubaiDubai which is one of the emirates in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The UAE is a federation of the country which consists of seven emirates which can tajir petroleum. These are the seven emirates: Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras Al-Khaimah, Sharjah, and Umm al-Qaiwain. To the yr of 1971, six of these emirates - Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Fujairah, Sharjah, Dubai, and Umm al-Qaiwain - joined to establish the United Arab Emirates. The next year, Ras Al-Khaimah accompany them. Dubai is all that emiran palingternama.Some have said that the city's name is derived from the Persian language. Because the area is under the control of the Persian Sasanian Empire. No matter who menyampaikankata Dubai is Arabic dabba (Arabic: دب - يدب) which means to spread or flow. Due in Dubai are the teachings of the salt water rivers that kinidikenal with Khor Dubai or Dubai Creek.Dubai is located along the coast of the Arabian Gulf, led by Al-Maktoum family since 1883. Its leader now that the State Intelligence Agency Mohammed Rashid Al-Maktoum who was served which is the First Minister and Vice President of the UAE.Dubai Before MetropolisIn an interview with the BBC, Sheikh Mohammed BIN Rashid Al-Maktoum showed occupancy grandfather, the location of his play in the season. Beliaumenyampaikan, "This is the location of my father, my mother, and we stayed. Dikala I was born there was no electricity here. Just that field and it (he pointed to two locations of the lights on the big dihunian) and no water. "This brief opinion, illustrates the kind where the conditions of Dubai before bertransofmasi so metropolis. Al-Maktoum family dwelling, family Emir of Dubai, a dark and distress yaknihunian water. Much more dwelling commoner.Although oil has been discovered since 1966 yr, yr 1973, there was only one classy hotel there, Hotel Sheraton. If today is even difficult to find a five-star hotel in Dubai ygtak, there is even a seven-star hotel there.
Islam the religion that does not hinder the advancement of knowledge and technologi. Innovation in the aspect of the world in the open as wide as possible while not violating Shari'a. Eradulu Muslims in progress with the renowned architecture. By because it marks the apocalypse HRI form human race-the race to elevate the building takdikategorikan as problems which are basically not good value. Even capable of being a development is useful and beneficiaries.Now in Dubai, everything is grand, comprehensive, and high. Majestic, luxurious, to create open-mouthed. Dubai is the city with the most cepatdidunia growth. An empty desert has been turned into building skyscrapers. Camel-camel has been turned into a Ferrari, Mercedes, Hummer, etc. Among high-rise buildings in Dubai are:Prime: Burj Dubai or well known Burj Khalifa, He is the highest building in the world. Height 818 m, approximately 182 m further to 1 Kilometer. in it there are 30,000 residential and 9 luxury hotels.towers world
2nd: 10 highest hotel in the world, 7 of them were in Dubai. Five top hotel; JW Marriott Marquis Dubai (355 m), Rose Rayhaan (333 m), Burj Al Arab (321 m) the most luxurious hotels in the world, Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel (309 m), The Address Downtown Dubai (306 m), all in Dubai.3rd: Shopping Mall is the world's largest mutual Dubai Mall area of ​​50 times the size of a football field arena and there are 1,200 stores. Inside was the most besardi aquarium world that it 33,000 marine animals.

Fourth: Al Maktoum International Airport or Dubai International Airport which is the 3rd largest airport in the world.Fifth: Dubailand. Now it's Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando holds the record for the largest park playful world. When construction is completed Dubailand, sehinggataman which covers about two-fold Walt Disney is going to hold the new record.Remains a little more high-rise buildings and buildings that 'wow' in Dubai. There Emirates Tower twin towers that form like two bars of Toblerone chocolate. Hotel underwater into 33 m. Building 68 floors, each floor which can be rotated 360 °. Not to mention the artificial islands such as The World there are 300 artificial islands print map of the world. Onwards and Palm Island which there are 2000 villas and 40 luxury hotels. Not to mention the number one luxury vehicle. You think Arabs is still synonymous riding a camel? Rapid exchange the old perspective. In Dubai, luxury cars and gold-plated silver and there. To the extent that the Dubai police patutdinamakan World's Fastest Police because their vehicles McLaren MP4-12C, Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Bentley and Ferrari.SubhaanAllah ago .. They are poor, barefoot, dressed not already attest to the fact that Prophet Muhammad.lesson:The author does not expect readers just glued and stuck in fantasy, dreamy grandeur of Dubai. That's not the message that would be disclosed.Trying ponder the word prophet. Bernarlah what he proclaim. Regarding it as well as showing a miracle itself. He preached about something that can berjalandi period that will come. People who live in this period will be watching.He reported on some poor people vying to elevate the building. it is already underway. And we have become witnesses. Dirinyamengabarkan downs regarding Jesus, the release of Dajjal, Gog and Magog, this factor would also be able to walk. People who live in his day is going to be witnesses.And he reported concerning the pleasures of heaven and the horrors of hell, people who believe before they saw it, they're the lucky and happy. People who believe when his new watch, they did was in regret and sorrow pervasive."Today, the world is real and Hell simply narration. Bakal but where in the Hereafter, Hell is real and the world is just a narrative. "

signs of the apocalypse in Indonesia

No one can know for certain when the arrival of Judgment. However, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam has mensabdakan signs of the apocalypse in many hadith. One sign of doom associated with events at the mosque, occurred in Indonesia, recently.In a hadith narrated by Abu Nu'aim mentioned that among the signs of Judgment is the appearance of the fasiq in the mosque.للساعة أشراط "قيل: وما أشراطها? قال:" غلو أهل الفسق في المساجد, وظهور أهل المنكر على أهل المعروف"The occurrence of doomsday was no sign of it." Prophet asked: "What are the signs?" He said: "The emergence of people fasiq in mosques and followers kemungkaran victory over the followers of kindness." (Abu Nu'aim in Hilyah al-Auliya ')
Quoted from Jurnalmuslim, Shaykh al-Ghumari in Muthabaqah al-Ikhtira'at explained that the appearance of the wicked in the mosques is the appearance of the unbelievers and politicians give speeches in the mosques for political purposes.In the Qur'an, the disbelievers are also often referred to as the fasiq. For instance in Surat as-Sajda.أفمن كان مؤمنا كمن كان فاسقا لا يستوون"Are those the same faith with those who rebel? They are not the same "(QS. As Sajda: 18)Since last March, Hary Tanoe been to several schools. Not only was greeted with great fanfare and was cheered up his hand to be kissed students, Chairman of the Indonesian Unity Party (Partai Perindo) was also lecturing in mosques. One of them, as shown in the photo above.

 source:- Al-wabil, Yusuf Abdillah State Intelligence Agency. TT. As Asyrath Hour. Dar Ibn Al-Jawzi.-
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  1. Dream - King of the Prophet Muhammad also said that the apocalypse will happen if Al Hour has stretched its shadow so that the shadow of the Kaaba is no longer visible.You want to know more information. Just click here I need Allah .


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