Rasulullah Fainting and Crying When Listening Story Hell
raqqasyi of Anas bin Malik. said:
Gabriel came to the Prophet at the time that he did not used to come in
a state of change in his face, then asked by Rasululah Saw: "Why do I
see you changed your face (face)?" He replied: "Ya Muhammad, I have come
to you when God told that Ignition kindled the fires of hell, it is not feasible for people who
know that hell is true, it's true punishment of the grave, and the
torment of God is greatest to be happy before he felt safe thereof ".Then Allah's Apostle SAW said: "O Gabriel, explain to me the nature of Hell". He replied: "Yes. When God menjadikanJahannam, then switched on for 1000 years so that
the red, then continued 1000 years so white, so black 1000 years later,
then become dark black, never extinguished the flame and coals.By God, supposing open pinhole will undoubtedly be able to burn all of the world's population because of the heat. By
Allah, suppose an expert shirt hell was hung between heaven and earth
will undoubtedly die inhabitants of the earth because of the heat and
basinya. By God, suppose the wrist of a chain called the Koran was laid on top
of a hill, will undoubtedly liquid to the bottom of the earth's mouth to
7.By Allah, suppose one at the west end of torment, will undoubtedly burn people at the eastern end because it is very hot. Hell was deep, jewelry hot iron and drink water mixed with pus, and his clothes are pieces of fire. His hellfire No 7 doors, the distance between the door as far as 70 years, and each doorheat 70 times on the door of the others ".It is said in a Hadith Qudsi: "How can you still be doing immoral while you could never survive the scorching heat Matahariku. Did you know that hell jahanamKu it: has 7 levels. Each level has a 70,000 area.Each region has 70,000 villages.Each village has 70,000 homes.Each house has 70,000 booths.Each cubicle has 70,000 boxes.Each box has a main stem Zaqqum 70,000.Under each subject Zaqqum has 70,000 snakes.In the mouth every 70 feet long snake venom which contains a sea of black.And under every point of Zaqqum there are 70,000 chain. Each chain dragged by 70,000 angels "."The fire is present, which is used to burn the children of Adam are just 1/70 from the Fire Hell" (HR. Bukhari, Muslim)."When it sees them from afar, they will hear the fury and soundflame ". (QS. Al-Furqan: 11)."When they are thrown into it, they heard a terrible hell, beingHell is bubbling, almost (hell) was split because of anger ". (QS. Al-Mulk: 7).Water
in Hell is Hamim (bubbling hot water), wind is samum (very hot wind),
while the shade is yahmum (shade in the form of pieces of black smoke
that is extremely hot) (See QS. Al-Waqi'ah: 41- 44).
the Quran, Allah SWT is no mention several kinds of crimes and sins that lead to the culprit languishing forever in hell.1. ApostasyOne of them is an apostate or convert from Islam. As we read in the following verse:How will God may guide a people who disbelieved after their faith, and they have recognized that the Apostle was really an apostle, and information-keteranganpun has come to them? Allah guides not those who do wrong. They, in return is: la'nat that God inflicted upon them, la'nat angels and all mankind, to dwell therein, not lightened the punishment from them, and not they be reprieved, (QS. Ali Imran: 86-88 )
2. Infidelity and Obstructing the Way People From GodSurely those who disbelieve and hinder from the path of God, really have gone far astray. Surely
those who disbelieve and do injustice, Allah will never forgive them
and will not show the way to them, except the way to Hell; they will abide therein forever. And so it is easy for Allah. (QS. An-Nisa: 167-169)3. Misleading Man Of God Religion
And the time when Allah will gather them all together: "O group jin, actually you have a lot of misleading people", and said comrades meraka of the human race: "Our Lord, indeed sebahagian than we have been able pleasure of sebahagian and we have come down to thou hast set a time for us ". Allah says: "Hell's exactly where you dwell, are you dwell therein, except if Allah wills." Surely, your Lord, the Knower, the Wise. (QS. Al-An`am: 128)
4. MunafiqAllah has promised the hypocrites, men and women and the disbelievers to Hell, they will abide therein. It will suffice them, and Allah mela'nati them, and for their eternal punishment. (QS. At-Tawbah: 68)
The Qur'an has a lot to explain about the sins of the cause of the eternal in hell, among others are:Kufr and ShirkIndeed, those who disbelieve called upon them (on the Day of Resurrection): "Surely the hatred of God (you) is greater than your hatred to yourself because you are called to faith but you disbelieve" They will say: "Our Lord thou hast shut off our two times and has turned us twice (anyway), then we confess our sins. So is there a way (for us) to get out (of hell)? "That is because you disbelieve when Allah alone is worshiped. And you believe when God was united. The decision of the (now) is to Allah, Most High, Most Great. (QS. Al-Mu'min: 10-12) Not Execute Commands Religion and falsehood DoomsdayDoes that include you into Saqar (hell)? They said: "We were not of those who offer prayers, and we're (also) feed the poor, and we used to talk falsehood, along with people who talk about it, and we used to deny the Day of Judgment, to come us death "(QS. Al-Mudatstsir: 42-47)
And the time when Allah will gather them all together: "O group jin, actually you have a lot of misleading people", and said comrades meraka of the human race: "Our Lord, indeed sebahagian than we have been able pleasure of sebahagian and we have come down to thou hast set a time for us ". Allah says: "Hell's exactly where you dwell, are you dwell therein, except if Allah wills." Surely, your Lord, the Knower, the Wise. (QS. Al-An`am: 128)
4. MunafiqAllah has promised the hypocrites, men and women and the disbelievers to Hell, they will abide therein. It will suffice them, and Allah mela'nati them, and for their eternal punishment. (QS. At-Tawbah: 68)
The Qur'an has a lot to explain about the sins of the cause of the eternal in hell, among others are:Kufr and ShirkIndeed, those who disbelieve called upon them (on the Day of Resurrection): "Surely the hatred of God (you) is greater than your hatred to yourself because you are called to faith but you disbelieve" They will say: "Our Lord thou hast shut off our two times and has turned us twice (anyway), then we confess our sins. So is there a way (for us) to get out (of hell)? "That is because you disbelieve when Allah alone is worshiped. And you believe when God was united. The decision of the (now) is to Allah, Most High, Most Great. (QS. Al-Mu'min: 10-12) Not Execute Commands Religion and falsehood DoomsdayDoes that include you into Saqar (hell)? They said: "We were not of those who offer prayers, and we're (also) feed the poor, and we used to talk falsehood, along with people who talk about it, and we used to deny the Day of Judgment, to come us death "(QS. Al-Mudatstsir: 42-47)
Obey Cult Leaders In Principle and Wisdom Notwithstanding From ReligionAnd We decreed for those friends who make them look nice what is in front of and behind them and stay on them the punishment decision on the peoples who passed away before them of jinn and men; They are people who are the losers. And those who disbelieve say: "Do not listen to the earnest will Qur'anic and make frenzy against him, so that you can beat (them). Then surely we will feel harsh punishment to the unbelievers, and We will recompense them with the worst of retribution for what they had done. Such a reply (to) the enemies of Allah, (is) hell; they have a place to stay that dwell therein in retaliation for their rebellion against Our verses. (QS. Fushshilat: 25-28)
Verily Allah mela'nati disbelievers and prepared for them a flaming fire (hell), they will abide therein forever, they do not obtain a Pelindungpun and not (also) a helper. On the day when their faces inverted upside down in the Fire, they say: "It is better, if we had obediently to God and obediently (also) to the Apostles". And they say: "Ya Rabb We are, indeed, we had the observance of leaders and dignitaries us, and they misled us from the (right). (QS. Al-Ahzab: 64-67)The nature nifaqAllah has promised the hypocrites, men and women and the disbelievers to Hell. They will abide therein. It will suffice them; and Allah mela'nati them; and for those everlasting punishment. (QS. At-Tawbah: 68)Surely the hypocrites (placed) on the level at the bottom of hell. And you never will have no helpers for them (QS. An-Nisa ': 145) Presumptuous (arrogant)And those who deny Our revelations and treat them with arrogance, they are the dwellers of Hell; they will abide therein. (QS. Al-Araf: 36).And there are many other verses that mention the criteria of people who will go to hell forever.
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