Badar war story and the life story of the prophet in a loving god (i love Allah)

Life Story of Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم and Companions رضي الله عنهم

i love Allah

And those who went before; the first of those "immigrants" and "Ansar" (emigrate and give assistance), and those who think (footsteps) them with kindness (faith and obedience), Allah subsided to them and they also subside to Him, and He provides for their heaven-heaven that flowed beneath some of the rivers, they shall live forever; is the great triumph. (Surah At-Tauba, Verse 100)

 Abu Hurairah narrated THAT Messenger of Allah has said: "It is not you enter Paradise until you believe in. And it's not believe until you love each other between each other. Mahukah I show you a practice that if you do you will undoubtedly love each other between each another? Spread the greeting as many of you "- (Muslim)

The story of the Battle of Badr

Battle of Badr occurred in 7 of Ramadan, two years after his emigration. This is the first war in which Muslims (Muslims) got the victory against Gentile and a war that is very famous because of some miraculous events that happened in the war. Shallalaahu Rasulullah 'alayhi wa sallam has been to encourage Muslims to confront khafilah Quraish who will be returning to Mecca from Syria. Muslims came out with 300 more soldiers had no intention to confront the trade khafilah which only consists of 40 men, did not intend to attack but merely to point force against them. Trade Khafilah escaped, but Abu Sufyan have sent a message to his people Quraish to come and save her. The Quraysh forward with a great army of 1000 men, 600 armor, 100 head of horses and 700 camels, and luxurious enough food supplies for several days.Quraish infidels want to make this war as a victory for those who would put fear in the hearts of all the Arabs. They want to destroy the Muslim and gain majesty and greatness. Banyangkan, the Muslim army with a small number of soldiers (including two ponytails), came out with their intention to block only 40 men were unarmed but had to face the troops were well prepared -3 time- of their number. Rasulullah SAW easily ask them Muslims for war and they will not refuse, however, he SAW want to emphasize to his followers that they must maintain the confidence and the faith and to be a lesson for us. He SAW gather his companions to hold deliberations. Many of the Companions Emigrants make a proposal, by using good words to describe their dedication. But there is a friend that Miqdad bin Al-Aswad ra., He stood in front of them are still afraid and said to the Prophet Muhammad,"Ya Rasulullah (SAW) !, We're not going to tell you what was said by the children of Israel to Moses (AS), 'Go ye together Lord, we sat down (wait) here' (In Surah Al-Maidah). Go with with the blessing of God and we will be with you! ".Prophet felt very like, but the Prophet was silent, he waited and some of the companions can know he wishes SAW. So far only a friend of immigrants who have expressed their sincerity, but he menuggu Anshor companions were largely not present in the allegiance 'Aqaabah to participate in the fight against the enemy force together the Prophet Muhammad outside their region. Thus, the great leader Anshor friend, Sa'ad bin Muadh said, 'O Messenger of Allah (SAW) that you may be referring to is us ". Prophet agreed. S'ad then deliver his speech very beautiful which he said,"O Messenger of Allah, we have to believe that you are telling the truth, we have given you our loyalty to hear and thaat you ... For the sake of Allah, He who has sent you with the truth, if you enter the sea, we will go into it with you and there tidaka none of us will be left behind ... Hopefully God will show you which of our actions will be pleasing to you. Then Proceed with us, put our confidence in the blessing of God. "Rasulullah really liked what was presented and then beluai said, "Go ahead and be assured that God has been promising me one of the two (khafilah trade or war), and by God, as if I had been able to see the enemy troops lying defeated". Muslim troops moved forward and then stopping at a place close to Badr (closest place to Madinah which is in the north of Mecca). A friend called, Al-Mundhir bin Hubab ra., Asked the Prophet, "Does Allaah revealed to you to choose this place or it is a war strategy deliberation the decision?". Rasulullah SAW said, "This is the result of a war strategy and decision deliberation". Then Al-Hubab has proposed returning to the Prophet that the Muslim troops should be stationed farther south where the closest water source, then create a pool for their water supply and destroy other water sources that could stymie Quraish infidels from getting water. Rasulullah SAW approves the proposal and implement . Then Sa'ad bin Muadh proposes to build a fortress for the Prophet to protect him and as a headquarters for the Muslim forces. Prophet and Abu Bakr. stay inside the fort while Sa'd ibn Muadh and a bunch of men to guard it.Prophet Muhammad had spent long nights with prayer and worship even though he SAWmengetahui that Allah Ta'ala has promised victory. It is beyond love and penghambaannya and penyerahandiri to Allah Ta'ala with the worship that he SAW doing. And it's been said to be the highest form of worship known as' Ainul yaqeen.

[1]. Mentioned by Ibn Hisham-without sanad- may be part of the hadith about the war that shahîh- Badr Ibn Hisham 3/304[2]. Ibn Hisham narrated by isnaad disconnected -Ibnu Hisham 2 / 306-307[3]. See story in 3/1404 Muslim hadith 1779.[4]. See ar-Rahîqul Makhtum, p. 164[5]. Look at the news of this rain in Ahmad Ibn Hisham 2/193 and 2/312[6]. Mentioned by Ibn Hisham with sanad intermittent Ibn Hisham 2 / 312-313 and the sanad mursal mauquf on Urwah as in Ishâbah 1/302[7]. A sort of tent as a place to command and shelter for the troops commander[8]. Ahmad in Al-Musnad 2/63[9]. HR. 3/1510 Muslim hadith no Pentahqiq 1901. Jâmi'ul book Usul (8/182) terdapatkan mention that the original manuscript: ... until I mengidzinkannya. "While in the text printed Sahih Muslim: ... until I was near anything of it."[10]. Al-bidaya wa'l-nihaya 3/306
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