Motivators Love To Allah Ta'ala (I Love Allah)

(I Love Allah)

To Love God Love God Love To Love Allah Love To God To Allahmuslim Or IdAllaah He is the only substance that deserve to be loved from all the considerations and angles pandang1, because all the causes which make a man love something / someone else then it's perfectly all there to Allah Ta'ala.Among the content of the meaning of the name of Almighty Allah al-Waduud (All-Loving and beloved servants of His pious) is that it is He who gave taufik to His servants who believe in the causes that make it easy for them to love Him , even making him they love more than anything in this world.Shaykh 'Abdur Rahman as-Sa'di said: "The gift / good of all return to God, because He allows any cause to make his servants love of Him, He who to invite and attract their heart to love Him. It was he who invites his servants to love Him with the mention (in the Qur'an) attributes his vast, majestic and beautiful, that's all going to pull carefully and holy souls straight. Because the real heart and soul clean in nature will love (nature) perfection "2.In general, the main factors and causes that make men love something / someone else go back to two things, namely:

The beauty and perfection that there is something / person

The kindness and compassion that comes from something / personWe have nukil above explanation of Shaykh 'Abdur Rahman as-Sa'di that "the real heart and soul clean in nature will love perfection" and "the real human heart in nature will love parties (always) do good to him" 3.Imam Ibn al-Qayyim said: "The taste of love in terms of the factors that raise it splits into two:

love arising from factors kindness, witness the many favors and graces (bestowed), because actually the human heart by nature loving party (always) do good to him and hate those who (always) a bad effect on him.
love arising from factors perfection and beauty. If the accumulated factors favor and (many) abundant blessings by a factor of perfection and beauty, then it will not turn away from the love of substances such circumstances (collected her two factors) except liver at its worst, poor and lowly as well as the most distant of all good, because Allah makes the nature of the human heart to love those who do good (to her) and perfect in the properties and behavior "4.Here is an explanation of both these factors in fostering the love of Allah Ta'ala:1. Factors kindness, affection and the many abundant blessingsImam Ibn al-Qayyim said: "There is no one greater kindness than Allah Ta'ala, because indeed His goodness unto His servant (shed) at any time and (pull) the breath (the servant). 

The slave always get an abundance of His goodness in all circumstances, so there is no way (unlikely) for it to calculate (exactly) the types of the goodness of Allah Ta'ala, especially all kinds and the units "5.Allah the Exalted says:{وما بكم من نعمة فمن الله ثم إذا مسكم الضر فإليه تجأرون}"And whatever is in your favor, then of Allah (the arrival), and if you suffer from the catastrophes, then unto Him you ask for help" (Surat an-Nahl: 53).That is, only to Him you pray and bow myself pleading for help, because we know that no one is able to eliminate hazards and disasters except Him, the Exalted solely.  

Then a single mighty Substances in giving you what you ask and avoid what you do not like, he is the only one who deserves to be loved and diibadahi without disekutukan6.Goodness, blessing and kindness that Allaah has bestowed upon humans, especially to His servants who believe There's nothing like countless and unimaginable, beyond all goodness given by anyone among creatures. Because goodness and joy for the inner and outer man. Even scrumptious and taufik Him for human beings to know and follow the path of Islam and the Sunnah of Rasulullah SAW Shallallahu'alaihi is the greatest gift and most perfect for man, for this reason their happiness in this world and the Hereafter and no one is able to provide all of these except Him Exalted solely.Allah Ta'ala says about the words of the heavenly host:{وقالوا الحمد لله الذي هدانا لهذا وما كنا لنهتدي لولا أن هدانا الله لقد جاءت رسل ربنا بالحق ونودوا أن تلكم الجنة أورثتموها بما كنتم تعملون}"They (the hosts of heaven) said:" Praise be to Allah who has given instructions told us to (the path to heaven) is. And we never will have no clue if God did not give us a clue. 

 There came apostles of our Lord, bring the truth ". And called upon them: "That is a paradise that has been handed to you because of what you used to do" (Surah al-A'raf: 43).Including kindness and compassion the most perfect humanly is kindness and compassion to her parents, especially her mother. But, however great the kindness and affection, still have only the limits of man is able to do. 

 Because of course the parents are unable to provide sustenance, prevent disease or disaster of his son. Not to mention the goodness in the form taufik to the path of Islam that straight.Therefore, it is natural that Shallallahu'alaihi Rasulullah SAW said: "Indeed Allah is more merciful to His slaves than a mother to her child" 7.Imam Ibn al-Qayyim said: "If there is no good and abundant blessings (of) God (should) be cause servants of His love Him except (with) He created the ceiling and the earth, and (all) that is in the world and the hereafter, (all) for them, then He glorifies them (with) sent to them His Apostles, lowering the books of his, mensyariatkan His religion and allow for them to bermunajat (communicate) with Him in every time they want.(Even) with the kindness that they do He wrote (the reward) for those ten-fold to seven hundred times, (even) until multiplied times that much. (Provisional) for the evils (which they did) He wrote for them (only) one sin, then if they repent, He put away sin and replaced him with one of kindness.

 Had sin any one of His servants reach the (whole) cloud in the sky and then he begged forgiveness from Him and He will forgive. Had the servant of the meet Allah (died) to (bring) sins of the whole earth, but he took tawhid (the Oneness of Him in worship) and not associate him with something He will give forgiveness whole earth (also) for the servant of the ,He is mensyariatkan for those who abort repentance of sins, then He (also) who gave taufik to them to do it, then He accepts repentance from them. And he mensyariatkan (worship) pilgrimage abort previous sins, he who gave taufik to them to do it and with it he abort their sins.Similarly, all acts of worship and obedience (the other), has commanded them to do it, He created them to worship Him, worship mensyariatkan it to them and give worship was rewarded enforcement.

 So he reasons, of his reply (reward), and from Him Taufik (ease and relief to be able to do all good). From Him (all) favor at the beginning and the end, they always got a favor from him entirely from beginning to end. He who confers to His servant treasure (good luck) and he called (his servant): Worship Me (give charity) with this treasure and I will take it from you. The servant then belong to Him, the property also belongs to Him, and of His reward (for charity, so He is the Giver (imputed goodness) from start to finish.So how could it not be loved Substances such circumstances (the properties of kindness) His? How can a servant is not ashamed to turn aside his love for Him? Who is worthy to be praised, adored and loved besides Allah? And who is more kepemurahan, generosity and kindness of God? So the holy of holies of Allah, praise be to Him, there is no true worship except Him the Most Mighty, Wise "8.Shaykh 'Abdur Rahman as-Sa'di said: "God invites His servants to love Him with various kinds of favors and gifts of His glorious, with which God created, turn, improve the situation and enhance all their affairs. 

 Even with that enhance Allah (fulfillment) basic needs, facilitate affairs, eliminate all the difficulties and distress, establish Shari'a laws and enables them to run, and show them the right path to ...Then all that is in the world of things that are loved by the human heart and soul, the inner and outer, is (sourced) from his kindness and generosity, to invite His servants to love Him.It is the nature of the human heart will love parties (always) doing good to him. So what good is greater than kindness (which Allaah has bestowed upon His servants)? Goodness is not able to quantify the types and kinds, especially the units. Whereas any favors (of Allah Ta'ala) required for slaves to their hearts filled with love, gratitude, praise and flattery to him "9.(continued)
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