faith apostle apostle to God (I Love Allah)

I Love Allah

A. Definition of Faith To the messengers of God

Faith in Allah's Apostle including faith harmony is the fourth of the six pillars that must be believed by all Muslims. The definition of faith of the apostles is believed wholeheartedly that the apostles are the ones who have been chosen by Allah. to receive revelation from Him to be submitted to all mankind to be used as guidelines to live for the sake of happiness in this world and in the hereafter.According to Imam Baidhawi, Rasul is a person sent by God Almighty. with a new shari'ah for calling on people to Him. While the prophet is a person sent by God Almighty. to set (run) syari'at apostles before. As an example that Moses was a prophet once apostles. But the prophet Aaron is just a prophet, because he was not given a new shariah. He simply continued or help spread the Shari'ah brought the prophet Musa.Regarding the apostle's identity can be read in Q.S. Al Anbiya verse 7 and Al-believer verse 78 which means: "We do not send Messengers before thee (Muhammad) but some men that we give revelation to them, then ask ye to the people of the Remembrance if you not knowing. "(Surat al-Anbiya: 7)"And verily We sent some Messengers before thee, among them there that we tell you and among them some are not we tell you. There can be for a messenger to bring a miracle, but by the permission of Allah; then when it comes command of God, it was decided (in all matters) fairly. And when it be unfortunate people who cling to the false. " (Q.S. Al-Mukmin: 78)Described in the paragraph above, that the apostles ever sent by Allah. are those from the class of men, there was no female apostles, and the number of messengers sent before the Prophet Muhammad. actually very much. Among the apostles there who told her story in the Quran and others do not.عن أبى ذر قال: يا رسول الله كم عدة الانبياء? قال: مائة الف واربعة وعشرون الفا الرسل من ذالك ثلاثة مائة وخمسة عشر جما غفيرا (رواه أحمد)"From Abu Dhar he said: I asked: Messenger of Allah: how many prophets? He replied: Number of the Prophet as many as 124,000 people and among those belonging to the apostle as much as 315 people a big number." (Transmitted by Ahmad)Based on the above hadith number of prophets and apostles, there are 124,000 people, among them there are 315 people who raised Allah. be apostles. Among the 315 prophets and apostles, there are 25 people whose names and history contained in the Qur'an and they is that we must know, namely:1. Adam. the title of Abu al-Bechar (Father of all human beings) or the first man to Allah. create, without a father and without a mother, going on perkenanNya "Kun Fayakun" means "Be! , Then terjelmalah Adam. "The age of Adam to 1000 years.2. Idris AS. is a descendant of the Prophet Adam to 6. He was appointed to the Apostle after 82 years old. Born and raised in an area called Babylon. He studied the US Syits prophet.3. Nuh. is the 10th descendant of the Prophet Adam. He reached 950 years. His rebellious beings sunk by Allah. in a mighty flood. While he and his people are saved by God Almighty. for boarding the ark which he had prepared on the instructions of Allah.4. Hud AS. was an apostle sent to the nation of 'Ad who occupy Ahqaf area, located between Yemen and Aman (Jordan) to Hadramaut and ash-Syajar, which included the territory of Saudi Arabia.5. Salih AS.Beliau US still descendants of Noah. sent to Thamud nation, occupies the Hadramaut region, namely land that lies between Yemen and the Sham (Syria). Thamudic actually still descendants of 'Ad.6. Abraham. Azar the son of the creator of idols. Born in Babylon, which is the area that lies between the Euphrates and the Tigris. Now including Iraq. He clashed with the king Nimrod, so he burns in the fire which is very powerful, but Abraham did not catch fire burned, because Allah saved. He is also known as Abu Al-Anbiya (the father of the Prophets), for posterity many prophets and messengers. Syari'at he has been heavily practiced by the Prophet Muhammad. among others in the pilgrimage and worship Qurban, including circumcision.7. US Luth. Her nephew Abraham, and he learned a lot from the religion of Abraham. Sent by Allah. to the house of Sodom, part of the territory of Jordan. The prophet Lut were destroyed by Allah. with lowered hail mixed with fire because of disobedience to Allah, especially because their behavior is like sodomizes men.8. Ismail AS. is the son of the prophet Abraham. with his father build (renovate) the Kaaba has become a center of Muslims. He was a child who was sacrificed by his father Ibrahim, so that became the basis pensyari'atan Sacrifice of worship for Muslims.9. Prophet Isaac AS. the son of Abraham of his wife, Sarah. So the prophet Ismail Ishak prophets are brothers sebapak, different mothers.10. Ya'qub US. is the son of Ishaq US. He who lowered 12 descendants are known in the Qur'an as al Asbath, including the prophet Joseph who would be king and messengers of Allah.11. The sons of the prophet Yusuf Ya'qub AS.Beliaulah prophet narrated in the Quran as one who has a handsome face, so that all women can infatuated see his beauty, including the wife of a Zulaiha Egyptian authorities (read the story in the Qur'an sura Yusuf) ,12. Ayyub AS. is the son Ish. Ish is a sibling of the Prophet Ya'qub US. means the uncle of the prophet Yusuf. So the Prophet Ayyub and prophet Joseph were cousins. Prophet Ayyub is described in the Qur'an as a very patient person. He was tested by Allah. with a skin disease that is very powerful, but remain patient in worship to Allah. (Read his story)13. Dzulkifli US. sons of the prophet Ayyub AS. His real name is Bechar are sent after Ayyub, and God gave Dzulkifli name because he continues to do obedience and maintain on an ongoing basis14. Shoaib still descendants of the prophet Abraham. He lived in the area of ​​Madyan, a village in the area Mi'an located between Sham and Hijaz near the lake luth. They are the descendants of Ibrahim ibn Madyan a.s.15. Jonah US are descendants of Abraham through Bunyamin, siblings Joseph, son of Prophet Ya'qub. He was sent to Nineveh region, the area of ​​Iraq. Historically he has been swallowed by a shark for three days and three nights in the belly, then saved by Allah.16. Musa. are still descendants of the Prophet Ya'qub. He was sent to the Children of Israel. He was given the holy book the Torah by God Almighty.17. Aaron AS. The US is the brother of Moses. Equally preach among the Children of Israel in Egypt.18. Dawud AS.adalah a warlord of Israel who became a prophet and apostle of Allah swt, given the scriptures is the Psalms. He has the ability to soften the iron, like penance, are fasting for a long time. The trick with intermittent, a day of fasting, a day not.19. Sulaiman AS. is the son of David. He is also known as the king wealthy and able to communicate with animals (animals can speak).20. Ilyas US. is a descendant of the Prophet Harun AS. sent to the Children of Israel. Precisely in the area around the Jordan River.21. Elisha US. preaching with the prophet Elijah to the people of Israel. Although age is not the same, the Prophet Elias is old, while the prophet Elisha was young. But the two go hand in hand to preach among the Children of Israel.22. Zakariya. a prophet known as caregivers and mentors Siti Maryam in Baitul Maqdis, holy woman who later gave birth to a prophet, that Isa AS.23. Yahya AS. is the son Zakaria. His birth was a miracle, because it was born of a mother and father (Prophet Zakaria) who was already elderly, who are lahiriyah no longer possible to bear a child.24. Isa AS. was a prophet who was born of a holy woman, Siti Maryam. He was born on the will of Allah, without a father. He was sent by Allah. to the people of the Children of Israel to bring the Gospel. He who is regarded as Jesus Christ by Christians.25. Muhammad. Abdullah's son, born in a state orphanage in the middle of the Arab society of ignorance. He was the last prophet by the revelation of the Qur'an which is the last holy book anyway.B. Duties of the ApostlesThe key task of the apostles of God is expressed revelation they receive from Allah. to his people. This task is very heavy indeed, they often get a challenge, an insult, even torture of human beings. Because they are so heavy duty, then Allah swt. provide outstanding feature in the form of a miracle.Phoenix is ​​an exceptional situation or event which is owned by the prophet or apostle permission of Allah. to prove the truth of the prophetic and apostolic, and as a weapon to confront the enemies that oppose or do not accept the doctrine that brings.The task of the prophets and messengers are as follows:1. Teach aqidah of tawhid, which instill confidence in humanity that:a. God is the Essence of the Almighty and the only One who is to be worshiped (tawhid ubudiyah).b. God is almighty creator, the creator of the universe and everything in it and take care of, supervise and set it by itself (tawhid rububiyah)c. God is the One who deserves to be God, the human gods (tawhid uluhiyah)d. God has properties that are different from makhluqNya (tawhid sifatiyah)2. To teach mankind how to worship or pray to Allah. Worship to Allah. already exemplified with certainty by the apostles, should not be contrived or staged. Worship in this case is mahdhah worship like prayer, fasting and so on. Embroider, reverse or deviate from what has been exemplified by the apostle are "heresy," and innovation is misguidance.3. Explain the laws and boundaries for his people, where things that are prohibited and which must be done by the command of Allah.4. Provide an example to his people how to adorn themselves with major properties such as telling the truth, trustworthy, keeping promises, courteous to others, courteous to the weak, and so on.5. Delivering to the nation about the news of the unseen in accordance with the provisions outlined Allah.6. Provide good news for anyone among his people docile and obedient to the commands of Allah. and the apostles that they would get a reply heaven, as the culmination of extraordinary pleasure. Instead they brought news of suffering for mankind who do evil (persecution) both to Allah, against humans or against any other creature, that they will be rewarded with hell, a peak of infinite suffering. (Q.S. Al Bayyinah: 6-8)The tasks apostles above, confirmed briefly by the prophet Muhammad saw.dalam his saying as follows:عن ابى هريرة رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله ص م: إنما بعثت لأتمم صالح الأخلاق(رواه أحمد بن حنبل)From Abi Hurairah r.a. he said: Messenger of Allah. once said: Indeed, I was sent to perfect noble morality. (Transmitted by Ahmad bin Hanbal)
C. Signs of Faith To the messengers of God

Among the signs of people who believe in God's messengers are as follows:1. True faith in Allah swtThe stronger the person's faith to the apostles of God, it will be the stronger faith in Allah swt. Adherence to the apostles is proof of faith in Allah Almighty. A person can not be said to believe in Allah swt. without faith in His apostles. Many verses of the Quran were sent obedient to Allah. accompanied by obedience to His apostles, among others, in Surah An Nisa verse 59, Ali Imran verse 32, Muhammad verse 33 and so on.Two shahada as the first pillar of Islam is a Muslim's statement does not separate faith in Allah swt. on the one hand, and faith in the Prophet on the other side. In other languages, faithful to the apostles of God to carry out all his Sunnah and the Sunnah-avoiding what he forbids is in the context of obedience to Allah.2. Believing the truth brought the apostlesTruth brought the apostles is nothing but the revelation of God both in the form of Al-Quran and hadith-hadith. Convinced of the truth of God's revelation is the very principle problem for anyone who is looking for road safety, since the revelation of God as a source of guidance for mankind.Someone will be convinced of the truth of God's revelation, if first he believe in the messenger of God as the bearer of revelation. Impossible anyone can instantly receive a truth brought by another person, even though he was not sure of the sipembawa not even know the truth.God explained in Surah Al Baqarah verse 285 which means as follows:"Apostles had faith in the Qur'an which was revealed to him from his Lord, as well as those who believe. All of them believe in Allah, His angels, His books, and His apostles. "(Q.S. Al-Baqarah 285)For every person who shall believe in the faith brought by the apostles, and then practice the truth or keep it. For the people of Prophet Muhammad. surely the truth or teaching diamalkannya was brought by Prophet Muhammad.3. No distinction between the apostles to one anotherWith faith in God's apostles automatic means does not discriminate between the apostles each other apostles. This means that a believer is required to believe the apostles ever sent by Allah. Would not it a moment of his heart to patronize one of the main apostles of God or faith in most of the apostles and kufr to others. The attitude of a believer is as described by Allah. in surah Al Baqarah verse 285: which means as follows:"... We do not discriminate between any (with each other) of the apostles." And they say: "We hear and we obey." (They prayed): "Forgive us, our Lord, and to You are the place back." (Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 285)4. Making the apostles as uswah hasanahThe apostles set by Allah. to lead his people are the chosen people among them. Before receiving revelations from Allah, they are people who are respected in the neighborhood of his people, so there is always a reference or model for the behavior of people in lingkungannya.Apalagi after receiving revelation, exemplary them no doubt, because they always get guidance from Allah SWT.In Surah Al Ahzab verse 21 Allah. affirm as follows:"It was the Prophet himself are good role models for you," (Q.S. Al Ahzab verse 21).Therefore, what was said or done the prophet should be emulated or followed, and conversely what -what forbids should be avoided.(Q.S. Al Hashr verse 7).In addition, we must follow the example of the apostles of God for the reasons as follows:a. All the apostles dima'shum by Allah. This means that they are always maintained and preserved by Allah. not to commit the abominations or sins. As the real man could be that they made a mistake, but directly by God Almighty. reprimanded or straightened. (For example, you try to read asbab al-nuzul surah 'Abasa).b. All messengers of God have the nature of merit which is a sign of their personal perfection. Dormant qualities are as follows:1). Siddiq (right). They always speak the truth, where, when and in any case they will not lie (kadzib).2). Amanah, which is trustworthy, honest, could not treasonous.3). Tabligh, which means they are always consistently convey the truth (revelation) to his people. They may not hide the truth received from God Almighty. (Kitman), even though they have to face the greatest risk.4). Fathanah, meaning that all the apostles are intelligent human beings who have Allah swt. Not maybe they are stupid or an idiot (baladah).c. Special Prophet Muhammad. as the leader of the apostles (sayyidul Mursalin) received praise and compliments the outstanding of Allah. due to his behavior as mentioned in Surah Al Qalam verse 4, which means "And thou (Muhammad) truly virtuous character glorious" (Q.S. Al Qalam: 4)5. Convinced messengers of God as a mercy to the universeEach apostle sent by Allah. surely bring blessings for his people. This means that the arrival of messengers to carry the revelation of God is proof of love (grace) of God to man. Rahmat it will really be achieved by a human (his people) when they react directly to the apostles the task. In the Koran it is said that the coming of the Prophet Muhammad. to the world is a blessing (prosperity) live in this world and the hereafter. "And it is not We have sent thee (Muhammad) but as a mercy for the whole universe." (Q.S. Al-Anbiya: 107)6. Believing Prophet Muhammad. as the final Prophet and MessengerProphet Muhammad SAW. is the last prophet and messenger sent by God Almighty. to earth. There will be no more prophets or apostles after him one. It is the belief of Muslims that very principle and agreed upon by all scholars mutaqaddimin and mutaakh-khirin based on the arguments that qath'I naqli (definitely) and the arguments "logical aqli are as follows:a..Q.S. Al Ahzab verse 40 which means: "Muhammad is not the father of a man among you, but he is the Messenger of God and the Seal of the Prophets. And Allah is all-knowing of everything. (Q.S. Al Ahzab: 40)In this verse Allah states clearly that Muhammad is khatamannabiyin (Seal of the Prophets).b. Mutawatir In the hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal from Anasbin Malik as follows:ان الرسالة والنبوة قد انقضت فلا نبي ولا رسولا بعدى (رواه احمد بن حنبل)Indeed, the prophetic treatise has been exhausted. Then there is no prophet and messenger after me. (Transmitted by Ahmad bin Hanbal)c. In an authentic tradition narrated by Imam Bukhari, Ahmad Ibn Hibban from Abi Hurairah as follows:مثلي ومثل الأنبياء من قبلي كمثل رجل بنى دارا بناء فاحسنه وأجمله إلا موضع لبنة من زاوية من زواياه فجعل الناس يطوفون به ويعجبون له ويقولون: هلا وضعت هذه اللبنة? قال فأنا اللبنة وأنا خاتم الأنبياء (رواه البخارى)The likeness of myself with the prophets before me is the same as someone who makes a home; Embellished and diperbagusnya (and solved anything) except a (prepared) for a brick in a corner of the house. People surrounding the house was admired, but asked: "Why did you not put those bricks?" The Prophet said: "I am a brick (last) as a complement it, and I am the seal of the prophets." (Transmitted by Bukhari)d. In Sahih Bukhari Hadith Muslim from Abu Hurairah r.a. stated as follows:لا تقوم الساعة حتى يبعث رجالون كذابون قريب من ثلاثين كلهم ​​يزعم انه رسول الله (رواه البخارى ومسلم عن ابى هريرة)This means:Will not happen unless the apocalypse will come out (appear) lying artisans (the trickster) approximately 30 people. All of them claimed to be the messenger of God.(Transmitted by Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Hurairah).e. Q.S. Al-Maidah verse 3 that means: "On this day perfected for you your religion, and have kucukupkan My favor, and has Kuridhai Islam being the religion for you."The above verse is the revelation of Allah. the latter was revealed to the prophet Muhammad. In this verse Allah. Stating that Islam as a religion that diridhaiNya and bersumberkan of His revelation has been perfect. This means no need for additional or reduction depicting imperfections.f. Hadith narrated by Imam Malikتركت فيكم امرين ما ان تمسكتم بهما لن تضلوا ابدا كتاب الله وسنة رسوله (رواه مالك)This means:"Two things have I leave it to you, if you cling to them, then you will not be lost forever. Two case it is the Koran and the Sunna of the Prophet. "(Transmitted by Imam Malik)The above hadith explain that it is sufficient for Muslims to make Al-Quran and Sunnah Prophet only as a guide his life. As long as they stay consistent with both of them up whenever and wherever it will not get lost. For Al-Quran is a comprehensive book that can provide solutions to all aspects of human life, as revealed by God in his word: "It is not our alpakan nothing in the Book (the Quran), then to their Lord is compiled. (Q.S. Al An'am: 38). Similarly, the Prophet Muhammad saw.seluruh good life sayings, deeds or its provisions is a reference for us.Thus, if no prophet after Prophet Muhammad. means the revelation of God will come down again and there will be another series of traditions of the prophet or apostle that new. It means showing imperfections teachings of Allah, lack validan Qur'an and sunna lack of accessories or weakness of the prophet. It is quite impossible and very contrary to the statement of Allah. in Q.S. Al Maidah verse 3 and the Hadith above. It is an insult to Allah, the Koran and the prophet Muhammad. Naudzubillah min dzalika. No wonder we see the statement of Sheikh Jamaluddin Muhammad Al Ansari in his book "Lisanul Arab" as follows:"Referring to the Koran and hadith mutawatir above, if there are people who say they will be no prophet after Prophet Muhammad. or anyone who claims to be a prophet or apostle then they have gone astray and infidels. "7. Loving Prophet Muhammad.Loved the Prophet Muhammad. is a necessity and was ranked the highest, certainly after the love of Allah, compared to love someone other than him. Someone has not been said to truly love the Prophet. if he is still deciding who love to him under besides love for him. Let us consider the word of Allah. in Q.S. At-Tauba verse 24 which means as follows:"Say," If your fathers, children, brothers, wives and your kinsfolk; also property that you are worried about the loss, and the houses that you like the best place to stay is more than you love God and His Apostle, then wait until Allah brings about the decision (doom) His. "God did not give instructions to people fasiq." (Surah At-Tauba verse 24)The love of Allah. and His Messenger is also a parameter of one's faith. Moreover, the perceived sweetness of faith in a Muslim if he has made Allah. and His Messenger more than he loved his love for the diversity around them. Prophet. has said:ثلاثة من كان فيه وجد حلاوة الإيمان: ان يكون الله ورسوله احب اليه مما سواهما وان يحب المرء لا يحبه الا لله و ان يكره ان يعود فى الكفر بعد اذ انقذه الله منه كما يكره ان يلقى فى النار (رواه البخارى ومسلم عن انس)There are three cases, who has it, he has found the sweetness of faith: 1) a person who loves Allah and His Messenger more than others; 2) a person who loves someone just because of God; 3) people who do not like to go back to kufr as he hated to be thrown into the fire of hell.(Transmitted muttafaq alaih)In the book Min Muqawwimat an- Nafsiyah al -Islamiyah meaning of love slave to Allah and His Messenger is to obey and follow the commands of Allah and His Messenger. "Al Baidhawi said:" Love is the desire to obey. "Al-Zujaj also said : "Love of man to God and His Messenger is to obey both of them and be pleased with all the commandments of God and the teachings of Rasulullah saw brought."Our devotion to the Prophet. requires us to align all matters related to our personal and social.D. Evidence Love To RasulEvidence of love to the apostle should emulate all aspects of the Prophet's life, for example:1. In his worship; manifested in the form submission in running and maintaining the prayers according to his guidance. He said:صلوا كما رايتمونى اصلىSalatlah you as I pray. (Transmitted by Bukhari)2. In the closing procedure nakedness dressed, polite, clean and beautiful, eat halal food, clean and nutritious, not eat until you are full, do not eat except once in a state of hunger.3. In a family, such as a husband who must protect, love and care for her family. He said:حبب الي من دنياكم ثلاث: الطيب والنساء وجعلت قرة عينى فى الصلاة (رواه النسائ)Have been implanted to me in this world three concerns: love for women, fragrances, and made my eyes cool to prayer. (Transmitted by an-Nasai)4. As a community leader, he is putting the interests of his people rather than their personal interests; He was not the kind of man individualistic thinking only of himself.5. As a member of society, he is not a man who likes silence in the house as he broke away with the surrounding community, but always interacting with all levels of society and often visited the homes of his friends.E. Values ​​Should Applied In Daily Life1. Istiqamah in running religious Shari'ah2. Steadfast and patient in the face of disaster3. Always optimistic and never give up4. Concerned for the Dhu'afa5. Always carry devotions sunnah6. Do not discriminate against the messengers of God7. Believing the contents of the books brought by the Apostles8. Believing the Apostles had commendable qualities9. Making Acts as a role model

Getting in private Prophet Muhammad.Is the privilege of the Prophet. that when he established the prayer, he can look at the person behind him just as he looked at the people in front of him. Aisha said: "It is the Prophet. can see in the dark as well as at the time he saw the light. "Abu Hurayrah said: "I do not see someone who is faster than the path of the Prophet, as if the earth is doubled for him, we have issued a lot of energy, but he looked ordinary walking without exertion."About laughing saw. that he showed his delight with a smile. When he turned, he turned to the whole body. When he runs, he stir with agile movement.On verbal fluency and rhetoric (balaghah) her she is perfect. His words were brief and concise. Lafadznya fluent and smooth without far-fetched.He knows the various dialects of Arabic, so he can speak to each race using the language (dialect) of their respective regions.As for the case of behavior in the form of proper morality, decency and civilized manners and noble character, then that is a matter that can not be separated from the life of the Prophet. they form the most perfect as God disanjungkan him; "indeed you have a great morality." Says A'ishah. : "The morality of the Prophet is the Qur'an. He is willing to relanya Quran, and he was angry with his anger Koran. "The Prophet said:" I was sent only to enhance noble morality. "About patience and forgiving prophet can be known when he preached at Taef. He forgave them even though they act sadistic him.About generosity of Allah. can follow the story his companions, Ibn Abbas, that anyone ever deliver money to him one day. As a reward of 70,000 dinars. The money was put him on the mat. Sitting cross-legged, the money was distributed to the needy, and he saw. do not want to stand before the money runs out. Once the money runs out, there are still poor people who came to ask the Prophet. Then he saw. say to that person: "Now I do not have anything else, but please you owe on my behalf, I'll pay!" Viewed that way, said Umar bin Khattab to him one day: "Allah will not be burdened you what you do not

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