For instance, when we define the Islamic view of the relationship of God and man either both general and specific (eg relationship between God and a particular human group), love takes a very important role with a deep meaning once there. Love is so central role in Islam that is often described as "the most tightly grip that can grasp the faith with a strong"; Faith itself is described as "love for Allah and hate for Allah".Ibn Abbas once reported that Rasulullah (saaw.) Once said:"Faith is the most powerful force is sincere for Allah, hates for Allah (tabarra), love for Allah (tawalla), and reject something because God"There are people who argue that there should be no such thing as hatred. Hatred should not exist in the human heart. Well, people like that describe the good and the main people who have a lot of friends. People who make everyone else as his friend without looking at the background of the person they make that friend.Actually, Islam also advises Muslims to love and love and love of others. Islam recommends that Muslims apply sincere in dealing with others, even though they do not believe in Islam or even do not believe in God at all. But this is not a good reason to make us friends with anyone without bother, without a care. We may not sacrifice the teachings of Islam's sacred and valid indifferent to the injustice committed by others. It is inconceivable to let others apply arbitrarily oppressing others. Unjust as it included people who should not we make friends. The unjust as it was not possible to make a friend. So not everyone should we make friends even though Islam teaches us to love and love others because besides Islam teaches that, Islam also teaches us to hate the bad behavior and evil actions. Actually the unjust, cruel, savage and inhuman naturally be hated by others by itself. It was very natural, even though the person concerned was not happy to be treated like that. In the community there is always a group of good people and a bunch more on the evil-evil (and a bunch more were frantically looking for a group! - Trans.). Good and bad are two polar opposites. If someone is interested in the good of the group and wanted to join him so he had to leave the group in addition to the crime, he also had to disassociate ourselves from that group because he could not be in two opposing groups at the same time.When there are two people are mutually attracted to each other and the heart are both united in an intimate friendship and their mutual love of each other's presence, then we must see that there is a good reason and make sense of the phenomenon as such. The reason most reasonable and could be taken into account is that because of their similarity or harmony between the two. If there is no similarity between the two of them then they will not be attracted to each other and they could not be a good friend as a proverb in English "Birds of the same feather flock together" (Birds have feathers The same will perched on the same tree).Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi in his book Mathnawi write a good story to illustrate this:It illustrates a wise man who was seeing a crow who fell in love with a crane. They gathered together and fly together! The wise man can not understand and do not understand how can two birds completely different things for different species also can be best friend. Then the wise man approached the bird and then found that both it turned out to have a unique similarity to each other: the two birds have only one leg!The same idea is also illustrated by the Imams of Ahlul Bayt Prophet (saaw.). For example, Fudayl ibn Yasar, a disciple of Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (as) asked, "Are love and hate that comes from one's faith?" Imam Ja'far (as) replied, "Faith was none other than love and hate"Also narrated that Imam al-Baqir (as) states that, "This religion is love and that love is religion"As described in the statements and the hadiths above, the role love plays a very important and meaningful. Therefore, the concept of love that requires careful attention so that we later we can find the true sense of the meaning of love. We can define the concept of love in Islam when we have studied it carefully.First of all we have to answer a few questions first. What kind of love is emphasized in Islam? Who became the object of a love like that? Why do people of faith should have this love and for what purposes such love?In Islam the love that can be classified into several broad sections, namely:Love for God, love for the Prophet (saaw.) And his family, and love to those who believe.LOVE TO GOD Almighty FOUNDATIONS ARE STRONGEST IN FAITH ISLAMWe see a verse in the Qur'an al-Karim:"And among men there are those who worship counter-counter besides Allah; they love them as they love Allah. As for those who believe, love Allah. If only the people who do wrong at the time when they see the punishment ( on the day of Resurrection), that power belongs to Allah, and that Allah is severe in punishment (they shall regret it) "(QS. Al-Baqarah: 165)According to Islamic teachings, the most minimal requirements of the love of a believer is his love for God. The love of God that should have a place first and foremost in their hearts. The point is to love someone for something that may not exceed the love of himself to God. God it must be the object of his love - the object of the highest, greatest, and especially. Al-Qur'an Al-Karim says:"Say: 'If your fathers, children, brothers, wives, relatives, wealth which you try, commerce you khawatiri losses, and houses a place to stay that you like, is the more you love than Allah and His Messenger, and (of) jihad in His cause, then wait until Allah brings about His decision '. and Allah does not guide the wicked "(QS. at-Tawbah: 24)This verse clearly indicates that God's love for someone to have to be more than the love of one's against everything. The power of love was only noticeable when we must choose between our devotion to God and religion were lowered to love someone to possessions, to everything he had. In this case, a believer should be able to sacrifice for the sake of his favorite possessions sincere love for God. For example, if God asks us to sacrifice our lives or our possessions or something, then we must give up our devotion to it all in order to maintain our devotion to God. Our devotion to family, wealth, and power not to prevent ourselves so that we turn away from Him. Not until there is nothing that is contrary to our devotion to God. Al-Qur'an al-Karim says:"God does not make for a man two hearts in his body" (QS. Al-Ahzab: 4)Imam Ali (as) always spends time with sons and daughters. At one time he was sitting in his house with sons and daughters are still small at that time. Sayyida Zainab (sa) said, "Dad, do you love me?" Imam Ali (as) said, "Yes, of course. Son-daughter has it as part of my heart". On hearing this, Zainab said, "Are not you also love God. How can you love two things at once? How could you enter two love in a heart full of faith. How can you incorporate two love in a heart full of faith. How can you love God and your children at once? "Imam Ali (AS.) Smiled and said, "Love God and to receive His love, love also creatures of His creation; you must love your children and other people besides you. I love you for the sake of my love for God"Therefore the love of God is the basis of the Islamic faith, the basis on which people can establish the principles of his faith. Therefore, also with one heart we just loved the lover alone.Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (as) once said once, "The heart of it is a bersemayamnya God, therefore you should not put any kedalamanya except Allah".A Qudsi hadith reads, "It is not the earth, nor the sky which could be overwhelmed. Surely that could be overwhelmed simply a hearts of those who believe"The history of Islam is full of memories of those whose hearts are filled with overflowing love for God and His religion. One of those whose hearts are filled with overflowing love for the divine and devote himself to Islam was Bilal al-Habashi - a bondsman skinned jet. The idolaters of Quraysh in Makkah gives a painful torment not only to listen to his fairy name the deity worshiped by them. They wanted Bilal mention of the names of their gods and then reneged on Islam who has been residing in him. They tortured Bilal under the hot sun hot desert was abysmal. They lay on the sand Bilal red-hot then menindihkan a large rock on his chest. Abu Bakr, one of the companions of the Prophet were very rich was walking past them. He heard screams Bilal then approached and he has urged Bilal to hide his faith, but Bilal did not want to do that; because he was not Abu Bakr. Love of Bilal was very genuine and sincere to Allah and His Messenger, and he did not want to betray his love for it. Love is betrayed only will provide for the death of the lover.Another example is what happened to Imam Hussein ibn Ali (as) who said:"Oh, God. I am leaving the world to achieve your love.I'm ready to make all your love for the sake of my son become strays.My heart can no longer turn to the selainMu.Though you cut my body into pieces to achieve your love. "LOVE, THE SOLE PURPOSE OF THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSEThere is a sacred hadith, a hadith qudsi, we might encounter in some book that tells about the creation of the universe in the eyes of Islam. According to a hadith qudsi, God once said:"I have a treasure trove; I love to look for people. Therefore, I created this world so that people recognize me"God has created this world in the name of love. However, it may be a question will arise in our minds: Why would God be pleased to be searched and identified? Of course, God has no desire to be famous. The reason why God wants to be sought and identified can be understood by remembering that God is all-wise, all-loving, all-merciful and it has created man to give affection that maha-perfect sesanggup that can be accepted by humans. Of course, the perfection of all this should be reciprocated. We should approach Him as close as possible to offer our gratitude. We must love God as one of the forms of gratitude. But before we love God, we must recognize God first. Where possible because we love something we have not recognized before. Therefore, we must find and know God as the first step of loving Him.Narrated in a hadith qudsi that if Allah loves a person, then God will be the ears, eyes, tongue, and hands. Hadith qudsi it went something like:"When I love him, I will become his ears with which he hears; his eyes so that he saw; his tongue with which he speaks; and his hand with which he holds; if he calls me, I will soon come to answer his call; and when he asked for and invoke me, and I will soon meet his request "Human beings have physical needs that should he meet, and he should strive to meet the needs of it's own. Similarly, humans also have spiritual needs that should he meet also. Spiritual needs was deliberately created and placed by the Maha-Pencipat in every human spirit. Humans have a natural tendency to look for love and passion for anything ultimately did not have the actual reality when love was not at all based for God. Every love it - in its various forms - either directly or indirectly is not a manifestation of human hope to be able to achieve perfection essentials. Meanwhile the name of perfection only have Allah.(As an example of a man who was handsome enough to love a beautiful woman in the office where he worked. He argued that it would be happy he if can get the love of the beautiful woman before. She felt complete and perfect when he managed to marry a beautiful woman . After successfully marry a beautiful woman, he realized that his lovely wife was not as perfect as he imagined. the perfection that belongs only to God. If he loves beautiful women because Allah, then he would still love her even though she was aware that a lot of existing deficiencies in women's plentiful though apparently she was beautiful. All the shortcomings that exist in the woman covered by the perfection of God, who he loved more than anything else - trans.)The love of God manifested in the creation of the universe is also in the creation of human being unanimously agreed upon by all Muslims without exception. Even one name Allah is al-Wadud, which means: He who loves. Some non-Muslims believe that God in Islam is very cruel and ruthless. According to them, the Lord of the Muslims was always asking to be obeyed wholeheartedly. It was not loving his Lord and unfriendly. Actually, the fact that there is far from the fire. Such accusations are completely unfounded. Actually we just answer them with the answer that all the verses in the Qur'an which totaled 114 chapters (except Surah at-Tawbah) all starts with the verse Bismillah: "In the name of Allah, the all-loving and all-merciful".In one word of Allah, we are told that "God is more loving and compared to a mother to child-care given her". Do you want to be loved and cherished and loved by God? If you answered "Yes", then consider the conditions that must be owned by people who want to be loved by Allah below:Allah loves those who repent (see 2: 222)God loves people who love to purify themselves (see 2: 222, 9: 108)Allah loves those who fear that is keeping him from evil (see 3: 76, 9: 4, 9: 7)Allah loves those who are patient (see 3: 146)Allah loves those who put their trust in God (see 3: 159)Allah loves those who act justly (see 5: 42, 49: 9, 60: 8)It is noteworthy here is that even though God in Islam is also known by the name "The Grumpy" or al-Ghadab but the application of that name very much more limited compared with the omnipotence of love and omnipotence sayanganNya to every creature creates. Plus that it only affects the anger of God to people who deliberately do evil deeds and against the laws that have been established by God. Remember that God is also all-fair. So those who have done evil or sin willfully deserved rewards are commensurate to the act of doing. So if God is angry and punishes those who had made him angry is natural.Anger was also actually the embodiment of love and compassion. If his love and affection is not with Him then He would not matter at all to anything that is done by the creatures. Just as a father who became angry with his son because his son had done nothing wrong. Because the father was caring and concerned with what has been done by his son, since the father was concerned about his family, the father will try to educate his son to change his bad behavior. The aya will try to educate his son to change his bad behavior. The father will give a good moral lesson to his son and he will be reminded that the child was no longer commit heinous act for the umpteenth time.Rational and intelligent love is a love that involves the entire human race as a whole and not just for a handful or a certain group of people. Someone could have brought goodness to other humans or to a small group of people but at the same time he committed a crime to a group of human beings whose numbers even more. For example, a judge who freed a convicted felon.The judges can we think has done a favor to the criminals, but something worse could happen to the people when the villain was left free; plus, people will feel the injustice there. It really offends justice in society. He should not let the criminals go though the villain it has a look that is alarming or not to pity too excessive so as to make himself unable to provide just punishment for the actions of the villain. When one of our children require injection or an operation, so we must not hinder the doctor to perform his duties. Compassion we must be pressed first. So the anger of God should be seen dati this viewpoint. God is angry because he caring and loving to us.WHY SHOULD WE LOVE GOD?According to Islam, the first reason why we should love God is because (as mentioned earlier) that God is the all-precious, the all-perfect, and the all-beautiful, all of which are eternal always be in His presence. Humans can not imagine perfection like this. Humans who appreciate natural virtue, beauty and perfection surely he would love God.The second reason is because the natural human will love that has prevailed good to him.
They will appreciate the kindness like that, as it has been accepted in those sayings by Imam Ali (as):"Mercy thoroughness and kindness that would enslave humans and therefore subject to him".Because God is the source of all sources of life, the source of all sources of generosity and kindness, then the man with the moral elevation, will love God. Rasulullah (saaw.) Once said:"Love God because He had done a favor to you and He has loved you"A believer who has started his spiritual journey toward God first attempt to identify the grace of God which has been referred to it, which has made itself overflowing with a lot of good luck and the help and guidance that made him able to do a good deed. After he went on his way and after he was given spiritual outlook on the world, then soon he will realize that any good that everything must necessarily come from God. We have read the Koran a holy verses as follows:"Any favor you have is from Allah, and whatever disasters befall you, then of the (error) yourself" (QS. An-Nisa: 79)By not seeing that someone who loves God will also be loved by God (see QS. 5: 54), his sincere love of God would cause a person no longer hesitate and falter when it will do a good deed or good deeds. Reason and natural instinct possessed by humans will cause him to act and behave to please his beloved.
So if a person loves God, then he will always strive to implement all the commands and avoid prohibitions. For this Qur'an states:"Say: 'If you (really) love Allah, follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins." God is all-forgiving again maha-loving' "(QS. Al-Imran: 310)This verse also shows the relationship between love - that is in the person's chest - with imitating prilakuk Prophet Muhammad (saaw.) As a manifestation of our love for God. This verse explains if we do love Allah, then we must follow what is instructed by the Prophet as God's representatives on earth. So a person who loves God not likely to abandon what has been commanded. And one of His commandments is to love the Prophet and his family (saaw.).
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