the benefits of prayer and movements
Prayer is one of the Five Pillars of Islam in Islam and every Muslim around the world are required to perform or perform prayers because prayer is obligatory, The Prayer itself comprises 5 Prayer Times compulsory among other prayers Maghrib, Prayer Isha, Salat Fajr, Salah Djuhur and prayers Ashar , To 5 (Five) The Obligatory Prayers have some merit and virtue for Muslims as it has been promised by Allah.
Prayer 5 is a time of worship that Allah Almighty to Prophet Muhammad syariatkan directly without any intermediary angels, unlike the case with other kewajiiban required through the intermediary of the Angel so that we can conclude for yourself that indeed Prayer is very important to convey Allah himself to the Prophet Muhammad.The Benefits of Prayer Fard generally have priority to remove all sins and mistakes we have made, such as the Word of the Prophet Muhammad which reads: "It is not a Muslim and then he attended Fard Salah wudhu' smarten her and khusyu in his prayer, but it become a sin - sin earlier, as long as he does not commit major sins and that goes on throughout the ages "In prayer there is the prayer movement provides good impact on the health of the body. This is because any movement can cause or stimulate the circulation of cell and tissue in the body to work more optimally. The condition of the body more healthy and fresh as the blood flow smoothly, aka nothing is clogged.In fact, several studies conducted by foreign researchers have also been proved, some of the prayer movement is an effect on certain body parts. Provided that such movements are performed correctly and within a specified period. Here are some of them:
1. Movement Takbiratul IhramThis movement is done at the beginning of the prayer, that is by standing straight, raise both hands, then in sedekapkan in front of the chest. This movement will give depth to be smooth and regular breathing. In addition, hands and shoulder muscles will contract, making it more powerful and faster.
2. movement RukuThis movement is done by bending the body towards the front, so both hands resting on the heel. When bowing motion carried, the muscles around the back to the buttocks to contract. Meanwhile, blood flow, especially in the upper body will be more pronounced smoothly. Both hands are holding the heel also be interested in, so much faster.
3. movement prostrationThis movement is done by putting the head of the pedestal to the floor, up the forehead and the nose tip touches the floor mat. Meanwhile, toes bent and the palms are also touching the floor mat. So that the flow of blood to the head will flow to the optimum.
4. Maximizing Brain Functionome studies have concluded this prostration movement can maximize the function of the human brain, the right brain and the left brain. That way, someone who bow correctly and relatively old regularly did not rule can be more intelligent and creative. Prostration movement also makes the muscles from neck to toe will react and contract, so it will be stronger and firmer.Meanwhile, the breathing will be more orderly. Not a few people who do prostrations with a time long enough to eliminate dizziness or headaches suffered.
5. Sit movementUpon motion of prostration, followed by the movement of sitting where the buttocks and thighs resting on the lower leg. This will cause the leg muscles to press so that blood circulation will pump more leverage. If done regularly, sitting in a prayer movement can prevent rheumatic diseases or pain in the legs.
6. movement SalamPrayer movement the latter do, namely greeting. This movement is done with simple, just turning the head to the right and to the left to look back, just once. However, if done properly will make the muscles in the neck to be better trained and toned and blood circulation is also going smoothly.Regards movement will prevent the body suffers from stiffness in the neck.Prayer movement will not benefit the body if done carelessly and quickly. Therefore, the benefits of religion, especially those who are Muslim prayers every day, do the prayer movement properly. Do prayers taught by the rules, so as to reap the benefits of this prayer movement.
The next benefit obligatory prayer 5 :
1. Benefits and Maghrib Prayers PrimacyMaghrib prayer it is the time when repentance is accepted and Prophet Adam As A believer if working on a Maghrib prayer done right - absolutely sincere then memintalah something to God, then God will let his or grant.
2. Benefits and Virtue Isha PrayerIn accordance with the words of the Prophet Muhammad which reads: "Prayer Isha (Atamah) say the tomb is very dark and so also on the Day of Resurrection, then a believer who walks in the dark night to go perform evening prayers in congregation, then Allah forbade him than exposed to the flames of hell and diberikann him the light to cross Titian Sirath "
3. Benefits And Virtue Subuh PrayersThe benefits of Salah Subuh, dilapangkannya fortune, keep myself a Muslim, Prayer dawn together with prayer all night, Prayer dawn are the yardsticks of faith, prayer dawn is the savior from hell, prayer at dawn is one of the causes someone to go to heaven, prayer dawn will bring favors be seen the face of God's glorious, dawn prayer is a syahadah, especially for those who consistently maintain, dawn prayer is the key to victory, dawn prayer is better than the world and everything in it.Word of the Prophet Muhammad about the benefits of the dawn prayer, which reads: "If one believer who perform morning prayer in congregation for 40 days, was given to him by Allah freedom that is exempt than hellfire and released from nifaq."
4. Benefits and Virtues Prayer DhuhrWhen Flaring of Hell Hell, it is not a believer who perform Salah was forbidden but it was steam hell Hell on the Day of Resurrection.
5. Benefits and Virtues Asr PrayersWord of the Prophet Muhammad again that reads: "When the Asr Prayer is when Adam U.S. eating an apple, Believers who work Asr prayers will be forgiven his sins like a newborn baby".Prophet Muhammad said again: "will not go to hell someone who prays before sunrise and before sunset." Then God Speaking which reads: "Keeping the Fajr and Asr Prayer is the biggest reason to go to heaven and saved from hell".
and this is the word of the prophet about prayer:-From Abu Hurairah, he said: I heard the Prophet SAW said, "Indeed, first of all human actions are judged on the day Qiyamat, is the obligatory prayer. And when he has perfected it (the problem you're done). But if not perfect prayer is said (to the angels), "Look out, if he had ever sunnah prayers! If he sunnah prayers, the shortfall in the obligatory prayer enhanced by prayer Sunnah ". Then all the deeds that must be treated as such ". [HR. Khamsah, in Nailul Authar juz 1, p. 345]- "Whoever is doing the prayer bardain (ie the morning prayer and Asr), then he will enter Paradise." (HR. Bukhari no. 574 and Muslim no. 635)- "(Divider) between a Muslim and shirk and disbelief is abandoning the prayer." (HR. Muslim no. 257)- "Whoever dawn prayer then he is the assurance of God. Therefore do not let God requires something to you of his bail. Because the God who demands it with something of his assurance, then Allah will surely find it, and will menelungkupkannya over his face in the Fire Hell. "(HR. Muslim no. 163)- "The agreement between us and them (the disbelievers) is prayer. Whoever left it then he is a disbeliever. "(HR. Ahmad, Tirmidhi, An Nasa'i, Ibn Majah, said shohih by Shaykh Al Albani. See Misykatul Mashobih no. 574)- "Indeed, the most serious prayer performed by hypocrites are Isha and dawn prayers. If they know the virtues of both, they would come to him even to crawl. "(HR. Bukhari no. 657 and Muslim no. 651)-Pemisah Between a servant and infidelity and faith is prayer. When he left, he did shirk. "(HR. Ath Thobariy with sanad shohih. Shaykh Al Albani said that this Hadith shohih. See Saheeh At Targib wa At Tarheeb no. 566)
one more thing to remember THIEVES most evil? !!!
"As evil is evil thief who steals from his prayer"
pre friend asked.
ya Rasulullah. how to steal from the prayer?
Rasulullah said. He was not perfected bowing and prostration (HR. Ahmad no.11532 in shahihuh jami'986)
So is the explanation of our darii related Benefit Obligation Salah 5 time we had written a complete and clear, hopefully this article and discourse interchangeable useful and beneficial for you all.
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