After meeting with the Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet laid Muahmmad Angel Gabriel. Prophet Muhammad's chest cut open, then removed all the bad traits and replace them with good qualities into the chest of the Prophet Muhammad.Prophet Muhammad and the Angel Gabriel climbed Buraq, the vehicle very quickly. Namely their first trip to the Aqsa Mosque in Palestine. During the trip they stopped at five places, namely:1. The city of Yathrib, now called Madinah Al-Munawarah2. City of Madyan, namely the hiding place of Moses when Pharaoh's army pursued.3. Thur Sina, which is where Moses received the Torah.4. Bethlehem, the birthplace of the Prophet Isa AS5. Al-Aqsa Mosque in Palestine, namely the destination in the course of the evening. Palestine is the third holiest site after Mecca and Medina.At each stopover, the Prophet Muhammad always perform Salah as much as two cycles. Arriving at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Prophet offered two pieces of glass, each of which contains milk and wine.Prophet Muhammad took a glass of milk, then Gabriel congratulate him because he had chosen for themselves and their communities.After becoming a priest, was appointed to the Prophet Sidratul Muntaha for facing Allah together with Gabriel.On the way to Sidratul Muntaha, the Prophet Muhammad and the Angel Gabriel stopped ditujuh heavens, namely:1. The first heaven met the Prophet Adam As2. The second heaven met the Prophet and the Prophet Ishaq Yahya AS3. The third sky met the prophet Yusuf As4. The fourth heaven met the prophet Idris As5. The fifth sky met the Prophet Harun As6. The sixth sky met the Prophet Musa As7. The seventh sky met the Prophet IbrahimAfter passing through the seven heavens of the Prophet Muhammad are invited to Baitul Makmur, the Angels acted upon Thawaf. Then the Prophet Muhammad ascended towards Sidratul Muntaha and in the course of the Archangel Gabriel did not participate.Then the Prophet met with Allah, the meeting Allah commanded the Prophet to pray fifty times.When going down the Prophet Muhammad met with Moses ace, and he told me about prayer command received from Allah SWT. Hear the story of the Prophet Moses sent Prophet Muhammad to face God again to ask for information. Prophet Muhammad repeatedly to God to give relief, finally God gives relief to the Prophet Muhammad Salah command to 5 times for each day. God promised the same reward for the people of Prophet Muhammad as Salah implement as much as 50 times after the incident the Prophet Mohammed returned to Mecca. The next morning the Prophet Muhammad intended to tell that to the Quraysh. Prophet Muhammad met with Abu Jahl and Abu Jahl requested to collect the Quraysh. The opportunity was not wasted to convince the Quraysh about the lies of the Prophet Muhammad. Abu Jahl called the Quraysh to assemble. After Quraysh gathered Prophet Muhammad told him all the events that happened in the Isra 'Mi'raj. Lectures of the Prophet Muhammad was greeted with boos and jeers, and Abu Jahl incited the Quraysh to not follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, which is filled with lies. Then they went to Abu Bakr and told him what they had heard the Prophet Muhammad. They asked Abu Bakr "Did Abu Bakr believe it?" Abu Bakr emphatically stated "that he believes what has been told by the Prophet Muhammad". Then the Prophet Muhammad provides Assidik degree to Abu Bakr to be Abu Bakr Assidiq.
Prophet Muhammad in accepting the revelation and experience an event never secretive, so did Isra Mi'raj. Isra Mi'raj Prophet Muhammad in a short time have spread throughout the city of Makkah, jeers and taunts are often received the Prophet Muhammad about the events that happened. For example, when the Prophet Muhammad sat in the Haram and meet dengna Abu Jahl, Abu Jahl sitting next to the Prophet Muhammad, and said with mock chest "how are you this morning Muhammad? Is there something that you think is important that you receive from your Lord? "Prophet Muhammad replied" Yes, last night I had diisrakan "Abu Jahl asked" Keman "The Prophet replied" Baitul Maqdis ". Said Abu Jahl "then this morning you have here?" The Prophet Muhammad: "yes". Hearing the answer, Abu Jahl laugh and scoff and say, dare you tell your word to the people of Makkah? I will gather them here, and then to convey your message to them! The Prophet replied: "Well I'll explain to them these events". After residents gathered in Masidil Haram Makkah, then the Prophet's Ascension tells the events from beginning to end, not an iota missed, these events cause those who had converted to Islam, turned apostate. But for Muslims of faith remained unshaken and is not affected by the ridicule because they have been convinced of the truth of the Prophet Muhammad. Another case with Abu Bakr, he had a different attitude to the alin. Having attended by people who still doubt the Isra and Mi'raj he came to the Prophet and asked for her explanation of events as told by Prophet Muhammad directly received, therefore, the Prophet called him Ashiddiq.
Of imagery in Isra 'Mi'raj
a. Of imagery in Isra- Prophet Muhammad saw cut rice (harvest) constantly, he asked Gabriel, "who they were?".Gabriel replied: "those who liked it ibaratmu reap the reward from Allah".- See who's constantly hitting the head of the Prophet Muhammad asked: "Who are they O Jibril?"He replied: "they are like your people are reluctant bershalat, which later was very sorry for beating his own head constantly even if it hurt him."- Seeing a grave very fragrant, the Prophet asked: "Is that yes Gabriel?" He replied: "The grave Mashitah Siti and her son. He was tortured to death by the king discussed by Pharaoh, for he maintains his faith in God Almighty, when forced to worship idols. "- See who's in front of him there are two kinds of dishes, delicious food to his right and to his left rotten food, people were greedily choosing rotten food. The Prophet asked: "O Jibril who are they?" He answered: "O Messenger of Allah, is like ummatmu who likes to let his lust chose a bad job and sin than a good deed and rewarding".b. Of imagery In Mi'raj- Prophet Muhammad saw valiant men, the man turned and looked to his left feeling sad and sobbed, but when he looked around and saw kekanannya beaming happy and smiling. The Prophet asked: "Who is the man yan Gabriel?" Gabriel replied: "O Messenger of Allah, he is the father of the first, the Prophet Adam As. When he looked to the left sad, because he saw his children and grandchildren in the world of evil and sin. Conversely, when looking to the right to feel happy, because he saw his children and grandchildren in the world to do good and do good Saleh ".
wisdom which is as follows:A. Eliminating feeling sad and depressed at the Prophet Muhammad caused by the death of lead defense, pamanya Abu Talib and his wife Khadijah. God wants to convince the messenger who brings the truth and faith can not be defeated by anything and anyone.b. God wanted to show the power of His omnipotence to the Prophet Muhammad that he remained confident that God will continue to help him in the face of an enemy that block and stem the Islamic religious broadcasting.c. God brought together and introduced the Prophet Muhammad with the Prophet and Messenger earlier, in order to increase the determination and confidence.d. God showed the Prophet Muhammad marking the victory of the prior Hansur yield because of disobedience to Allah and His Messenger.e. Testing the followers of the Prophet, whether they will remain faithful to the religion that has been adopted, even if they do not mind and the mind can see and understand the incident.f. Prophet Muhammad can be fulfilled by Allah SWTg. God says to pray to the Prophet and his followers
-Women of faithAmong the lessons learned from that event is about women. Prophet passed through an area that spread the smell very fragrant like the smell of musk. Then the king said to Gabriel, the area whether they were passed.Gabriel replied: '' That's tomb Masyitah, a woman headman heaven. '' She was a nanny Pharaoh, the cruel government in Egypt who claimed to be God. Masyitah physically weak, but the spirit and soul of Islam that is powerful to be able to pull off the arrogance of Pharaoh.Masyitah is the king's servants. He was a people who are still conscious and faith in God. But because of the cruelty of Pharaoh, he and others were forced to hide their faith. One day, when Masyitah hair combing Pharaoh's daughter, suddenly fell off the brush. By accident, he mentioned the name of Allah. When the princess heard, asked Masyitah, who God is. Masyitah initially reluctant to answer, but after pressed repeatedly, he finally tells us that God is the One God and God Sekalian Nature.The daughter complained to cause Pharaoh very angry knowing Masyitah worship gods other than himself. Masyitah forced Pharaoh to acknowledge him (Pharaoh) as God, but confidently he said: "I am the Lord and your Lord is Allah." These words give rise to anger Pharaoh. Then he ordered his ministers, Hammam, in order to make the calf from copper and oil to boil Masyitah filled and family.When it was the turn of the baby that will be incorporated into the calf, Masyitah almost admitted defeat and surrender to the desires of Pharaoh because it is very dear to her. But with God's will, occurred extraordinary events. Suddenly the baby eloquently said: "O my mother! Go ahead and do not give up, in fact you are on the right path."Masyitah and his family maintain their faith by saying '' God the One God and Pharaoh just ordinary people ''. Then everything martyr killed by Pharaoh. The courage of a woman fighting for truth and faith is celebrated every year by all human beings through the Isra and Mi'raj. All the family members received a reply Masyitah martyr of God because it preserves the faith until death.
-Woman ungodly
In the course of these, the king also shown about 10 types of torture caused to women up to the Prophet cried every memory.Those regarding (1) the women were hanged by the hair on his head and brain boil. They are women who are not willing to protect her hair from the view of other men.Other tortures that were presented to the king are (2) women who hung with the tongue, (3) his hands are removed from the back, and (4) hot oil poured into kerongkongnya. They are women who like to hurt her husband with the words.His Majesty also see how (5) women's breasts hung from trees on their backs and the water poured into kerongkongnya zakum. They are women who breastfeed other people's children without the permission of her husband. There is also (6) women bound his feet and hands to the crown, ridden by some snakes, and scorpions. They are women who are able to pray and fast but do not do it, no ablution and does not take a bath junub. They often leave the house without her husband's permission and no bath of purification after menstruation and childbirth.His Majesty then see (7) of the women who ate the flesh of his own body, while underneath there is a burning fire. They are women who make up in order to be seen by another man and liked to tell the vices of others.(8) His Majesty also see women who cut his body with scissors from hell. They are women who love prides itself so that people see the jewelry.Another torment seen by Baginda is (9) women who head like a pig's head and body like a donkey. They are women who like pitting and very like lying.There are also (10) women that you saw, dog-shaped face and a few snakes and scorpion scorpion into the mouth and out through the anus. They are women who love angry with her husband and slander others.
"Blessed is He who has been take into run his servant on a night of Al-Haram Al-Aqsa Mosque which We have blessed around it so that We show him some of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing. "(Q.S. Al-Israa ': Paragraph 1)
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