99 hadith saheeh (I Love Allah)

I Love Allah

Who survived the group guaranteed by the Prophet Muhammad. The answer is ahlussunah wal Jama'ah. Lots of group of the Muslims of today's most ahlussunah admitted though not necessarily correspond akhlaqnya ahlussunnah principle. The Muslims Rasululullah followers saw not only straight-confidence and faith but also straight in the behavior and actions. Do not claim ahlussunah if faith and morality us to God and our fellow human beings is not good !!. If we feel the right course of the sunnah worship but fond reproach and sentenced ugly brother, it is included vanity. because according to the Prophet that pride is to reject the truth (Islamic teachings) and disparaging others (which he considered his inferior). Boastful, arrogant and self-righteous morality reprehensible including and excluding morality ranks ahlussunah wal Jama'ah. Therefore, if you want a guaranteed congratulations go to heaven by the Holy prophet perbaguslah akhlaqmu after we baguskan / straighten our faith.So to add to our knowledge and belief, especially about our noble morality include other hadith this morality. So great was the virtue of his teachings about good manners this sunnah. Here's a collection of hadiths about the prophet peace be upon him noble morality:

1."Closest to me his position on the last day was the nicest guy depraved and the best of you is the most good to his family". (HR. Ar-Ridha)
2. Prophet Muhammad said, "Verily a believer-for-equal degree of moral goodness of people who used to do fasting and prayed the night." (Abu Dawud)
3.Abu Ad-Darda 'radiyallahu' anhu; Rasulullah sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said:
«ما من شيء يوضع في الميزان أثقل من حسن الخلق, وإن صاحب حسن الخلق ليبلغ به درجة صاحب الصوم والصلاة» [سنن الترمذي: صحيح]
Not something is put on the scales doomsday heavier than a noble character, and indeed noble person can reach degrees who are fasting and praying. [Sunan Tirmidhi: Sahih]
4.Rasulullah SAW said, "Those who I love most and closest position to majelisku on the Day of Resurrection will be the nicest guy depraved. In contrast, people who I hate and farthest from me is people who talk too much (which is not useful, pen.) and arrogant. " HR at-Tirmidhi).
5.Sire Prophet mentions a number of features of this noble character. When he was asked about what the bounty (al-birr), for example, he directly answered, "Al-Birr al-khulq husn (Virtue is of noble character." (Muslim).

6.He even said, "There is nothing heavier in the scales of a believer on the Day of Judgment besides noble character. Surely God hates people who do despicable and said-keta vile." (HR at-Tirmidhi)
7.Prophet Muhammad also called Muslim morality as the best man. He said, "Truly the best of you is the most excellent moral." (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)
8.Sahl bin Sa'd radiyallahu 'anhu; Rasulullah sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said:
إن الله يحب معالي الأخلاق ويكره سفسافها [المعجم الكبير للطبراني: صححه الألباني]
God loves a noble character and hates bad character. [Al-Mu'jam Al-Kabiir: Sahih]
9.An-Nawwaas bin Al-Anshary Sim'aan radiyallahu 'anhu said: I asked the Messenger sallallahu' alaihi wasallam about good and evil, and he answered:
«البر حسن الخلق, والإثم ما حاك في صدرك, وكرهت أن يطلع عليه الناس» [صحيح مسلم]
Kindness is a good character, and evil is something that lump in your chest (heart), and you do not like it if other people know it. [Sahih Muslim]
10.From Abu Umamah radiyallahu 'anhu; Rasulullah sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said:
«أنا زعيم ببيت في ربض الجنة لمن ترك المراء وإن كان محقا, وببيت في وسط الجنة لمن ترك الكذب وإن كان مازحا وببيت في أعلى الجنة لمن حسن خلقه» [سنن أبي داود: حسن]
I guarantee a house edge of heaven for people to leave the debate even if he is right, and a house in the middle of paradise for those who do not lie though only joking, and a house on the Garden for a noble moral. [Sunan Abi Daud: Hasan]
11.Samurah radiyallahu of Jabir bin 'anhu; Rasulullah sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said:
"إن أحسن الناس إسلاما, أحسنهم خلقا" [مسند أحمد: صحيح]
Indeed the good his Islam is the most excellent moral. [Musnad Ahmad: Sahih]
12.Jabir radiyallahu 'anhu; Rasulullah sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said:
«إن من أحبكم إلي وأقربكم مني مجلسا يوم القيامة أحاسنكم أخلاقا, وإن أبغضكم إلي وأبعدكم مني مجلسا يوم القيامة الثرثارون والمتشدقون والمتفيهقون» [سنن الترمذي: صحيح]
Indeed, the one I loved from you and the closest place me on the Day of Resurrection is the most noble behavior, and I hate most of you and yan farthest place away from me on the Day of Judgment is talkative, arrogant in speaking, and arrogant. [Sunan Tirmidhi: Sahih]
13.From Abu Hurairah radiyallahu 'anhu; Rasulullah sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said:
لن تسعوا الناس بأموالكم ولكن يسعهم منكم بسط الوجه وحسن الخلق [مسند البزار: حسنه الألباني]
Mempu you would not give to everyone with your possessions, but you can give to everyone with a smile and noble character. [Musnad Al-Bazzar: Hasan]
14.Ibn Mas'ud and Aisha radiyallahu 'anhuma; Rasulullah sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam prayed often ...
"اللهم أحسنت خلقي, فأحسن خلقي"
Ya Allah .. You have glorified penciptaanku, then glorify akhlakku. [Musnad Ahmad: Sahih]
15.  Jabir bin Abdillah radiyallahu 'anhuma said: Rasulullah sallallahu' alaihi wasallam when he started praying bertakbir then read on ...
«إن صلاتي ونسكي ومحياي ومماتي لله رب العالمين لا شريك له, وبذلك أمرت وأنا من المسلمين. اللهم اهدني لأحسن الأعمال وأحسن الأخلاق لا يهدي لأحسنها إلا أنت, وقني سيئ الأعمال وسيئ الأخلاق لا يقي سيئها إلا أنت »
"Indeed salatku, devotions, my life, and my death is only to Allah the Lord of the Worlds has no partner to Him, and so I ordered and I'm part of the Muslims, O Allah grant me practice the best and morals of the most noble, no one could give the best besides you and protect me from the deeds and bad character, no one can protect me from bad things than You ". [Sunan An-Nasa'i: Sahih]
16.Umm Salamah, the wife of the Prophet asked, "O Messenger of Allah, a woman from our wedding there are two, three and four times and then he died and entered heaven with their husbands as well. Who would later become her husband in heaven?" Prophet replied, "He was told to choose and he chose is the most excellent moral by saying," Yes Robbku, this person when in the country the world's most moral good to me. Kawinkanlah I'm with him. O Umm Salamah, good morals brings goodness to this world and the Hereafter. "(HR. Ath-Thabrani)
17.   "You can not get the sympathy of everyone with your wealth, but with an attractive face (sympathy) and with good morals." (HR. Abu Ya'la and Al-Baihaqi)
18. "Goodness it is good morals and sin that is something is bothering you and you're not happy if known to others." (HR. Muslim)
Ya Rasulullah, explain about Islam and I no longer need to wonder to others. Prophet replied, "Say: 'I believe in Allah and behave straight (honest)'." (HR. Muslim)
19. "Stay away from everything that is unclean you would have been to be the most worship. Relalah by division (provision) of Allah unto you would have been be the richest people. Berperilakulah good to your neighbor you would have been among the believers. Love others on the things that you love for yourself you would have been classified as a Muslim, and do not be too many laughs. Indeed it was laughing too much deadens the heart. " (HR. Ahmad and Tirmidhi)
20. "Among the morals of a believer is to speak well, if diligently listening to the conversation, when met people he greeted with happy faces and if promises are kept. (HR. Ad-Dailami)
21."There is no misery worse than ignorance and no assets (wealth) are more beneficial than the perfection of sense. There is no solitude is more isolated than ujub (too proud) and no mutual help more robust than deliberation. No perfection sense beyond planning (good and mature) and no higher position than moral sublime. No wara 'better than keeping yourself (maintain price and self-respect), and no worship is more impressive than contemplation (thinking ), and there is no faith more perfect than shyness and patience. (HR. Ibn Majah and Ath-Thabrani)
22.   "Saving the living half of income (expenditure), and loving, and loving others is half the reason, while asking well is half science. (HR. Ath-Thabrani)
23. "The glory of man is his religion, his self-esteem (honor) is the intellect, while the height is a moral position." (HR. Ahmad and Al-Hakim)
24."Wisdom is the lost rod for the believer. He has to take it from anyone who heard, no matter from which source it comes from." (HR. Ibn Hibban) means that we do not see who is giving advice but what the content of the advice. Rest assured that all truth comes from God Almighty, and everything just as an intermediary.
25. "If you have no shame anymore (did not have morality), do what you want." (HR. Bukhari)
26. "There is not anything more to swallow a servant afdhol Allah than swallowing (hold) anger had swallowed for the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala." (HR. Ahmad)
27. A friend said to the Prophet, "O Messenger of Allah, berpesanlah to me." Prophet advised, "Do not like anger (emotion)." Companions asked repeatedly and the Prophet kept repeatedly advised, "Do not like to get angry." (HR. Bukhari)
28. "Whoever was quiet so he would survive. (HR. Ahmad)
29. "Beware of prejudice. Indeed prejudice is most lie talks. (HR. Bukhari)
30."It is not moral to speak with the tongue of a believer who does not match the content of his heart. Tranquility (patient and cautious) is from Allah and haste (in a hurry) is of the devil. (HR. Asysyihaab)
31."A good man leaves his Islam is that anything that is not concerned with it. (HR. Tirmidhi)
32. "Put yourselves to Me (Allah) to bring yourself to the weak and did according ihsan to them. Indeed, you obtain sustenance and aid for support and help the weak among you." (HR. Muslim)
33."Whoever humility to his brother semuslim then Allah will raise in rank, and the people who lift themselves against God will put him down." (HR. Ath-Thabrani)
34. "God revealed to me that ye humble behave so that no person who oppress others or boasting himself against others. (HR. Ahmad)
35."The nature of faith and the shame is that faith in heaven, whereas words are rotten tabi'at ruthlessness and savagery tabi'at in hell. (HR. Bukhari and Tirmidhi)
36."Indeed jealous (jealous that fair and reasonable is a part) of the faith. (HR. Al-Baihaqi and Ibn Babawih)
37. "Righteousness is good character and sin is something uncomfortable in your breasts and you do not like being known to others. (HR. Muslim)
38. "Have fatwa (legal description) to your heart and soul. Virtue is what causes heart and soul at ease to him, while sin is what is troubling the soul and cause a lump in the chest even though people ask or give a fatwa to you. (HR. Muslim)
39."People who carry (transport) alone merchandize then he is free from vanity. (HR. Al-Baihaqi)
40.  "People who forbid gentleness, it will be forbidden for him all goodness." [HR. Muslim]
41. اللهم من ولي من أمر أمتي شيئا فشق عليهم فاشقق عليه, ومن ولي من أمر أمتي شيئا فرفق بهم فارفق به
It means: "O Allah, anyone who takes care of the affairs of my people, and then he was against them, then beratkanlah it. And anyone who takes care of the affairs of my people, then he is to be gentle to them, then you are very gentle to him." [HR. Muslim]
42."Among the signs of misery is a frozen eye, liver cruel, and too hard pleasures of the world as well as those who constantly commit sins." (HR. Al-Hakim)
43.Do you know who the person is bankrupt? The friend replied, "Allah and His Messenger know better." Prophet then said, "Those who go bankrupt of my Ummah are (people) who come on the Day of Judgment with the practice of fasting, prayer and alms, but he never berate people and accused the man of adultery. He never takes possessions of the and he awaits the demands and take the reward (for ransom) and also reward the person is taking. When pahala- reward is discharged before it is completed and compensation demands ransom for his sins, the sins of those who demanded it be put on his shoulders and he smashed into the fires of hell. " (HR. Muslim)
45."There will befall my people the disease's people earlier that the disease arrogant, Kufr delicious and delirious in obtaining pleasure. They are racing to collect the treasure and boast megahan with treasures. They fall into the abyss pleasures of the world, mutually hostile and jealous, spiteful, and revenge so they do injustice (beyond the limit). (HR. Al-Hakim)
46."Do not underestimate the goodness at all but only to pour water from a bucket timbamu vessel to people who ask for water, and even just talking with your brother with a beaming face." [Reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi and an-Nasa'i]
47.Messenger of Allah said, "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him speak good or keep quiet." [Hadith history Mutafaq 'alaih]
48.There is no provision that God has given to a servant wider than wait for him. (HR. Al-Hakim)
49. Patience is half of faith and faith is the whole faith. (HR. Ath-Thabrani and Al-Baihaqi)
50.  There are three things which included heirloom virtue, namely conceal complaints, keep a disaster and keep sodaqoh (we spend). (HR. Ath-Thabrani)
61.A happy person is one who kept away from the slanders and those which, when exposed to the trials and tribulations he's patient. (HR. Ahmad and Abu Dawood)
62. Smile to the face of your brother is sodaqoh. (Mashabih Assunnah)
63.Outs better than befriending the poor and pious friends hanging out better than alone. Good conversation is better than silence and silence is better than talk (chat) bad. (HR. Al-Hakim)
64.A believer who hang out and be patient with the disorder, greater reward than that do not get along with people and patience with their disorder. (HR. Ahmad and Tirmidhi)
65. Deeds that most favored of Allah after the fard (obligatory) is a pleasure to enter into the hearts (cheer) a Muslim. (HR. Ath-Thabrani)
66.A believer is the mirror of the other believers. If seeing a disgrace to her she immediately fix it. (HR. Bukhari)
67.Three acts including excellent, the remembrance of God in all circumstances and conditions, mutual awareness (exhort) one another, and sympathize brothers (who need). (HR. Ad-Dailami)
68.Jibril upon whom be peace I love told me to always be soft (tolerant and succumb) to others. (HR. Al-Rabii)
69.A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, and do not let him down menzaliminya not (let him suffer) and does not damage it (the honor and good name). (HR. Muslim)
70.Prophet forbade the invitation went to the wicked. (HR. Ath-Thabrani)
71.Or do you sit on the roadside. The companions said, "O Messenger of Allah, we need to sit around for a chat." Prophet then said, "If you must sit, then give the streets their rights." They asked, "What right does the road, O Messenger of Allah?" Prophet replied, "Turning the view (when a woman passes), avoiding interference, answering greetings (from passers-by), and ma'ruf nahi unjust." (Mutafaq'alaih)
72. Including the Sunnah when you deliver the return guest to the door of your house. (HR. Al-Baihaqi)
73.Prophet received the gifts and pray reward for awarding the prize. (HR. Bukhari)
74. Do not refuse the gift and do not hit the Muslims. (HR. Ahmad)
75.You should give each other gifts. Indeed, of the gift can take away malice. (HR. Tirmidhi and and Ahmad)
76.A young man who respect their parents because looking at old age then God predestined him in elderly people will respect him. (HR. Tirmidhi)
77.Whoever believes in Allah and the last day that she respects her guests. The obligation to entertain guests only one day and one night. Masa is a three-day visit and after that included alms. It is not lawful for the guests staying longer so difficult for the host. (HR. Al-Baihaqi)
78.Whoever receives goodness (provision) of his (brother) without being asked let acceptable and do not return. Indeed it is the sustenance which God supplied for him. (HR. Al-Hakim)
79.Whoever defends (the good name and honor) without the presence of his brother, God will defend him in this world and in the hereafter. (HR. Al-Baihaqi
80. If someone digunjing Muslim friend and he did not refute (defend) when he is able to defend God will humiliate him in the world and in the hereafter. (HR. Al Baghowi and Ibn Babawih)
81.The souls of men like troops. When you know each other and be in harmony not know each other when disputes arise. (HR. Muslim)
82.There is no faith one of you that he loved everything for his brother as he loves for himself. (HR. Bukhari)
83.Contact the person who cut ties with you and give (something) to people who are reluctant to give. Avoid yourself from those who oppress you (That is, do not ignore those who oppress you). (HR. Ahmad)
84.Defend (please) good pal he do wrong and wronged. If he is corrupt, then prevent him from his actions and when he tyrannized Earn the order he won (defended). (HR. Bukhari)
85. Whoever does not pay attention to (ignore) the affairs of the Muslims then he was not among them. (HR. Abu Dawud)
86. Do not show excitement for the suffering of believers, Allah will save him and will afflict (disaster) to you. (HR. Aththusi and Tirmidhi)
87. If you hit, avoid the face. (HR. Mashabih Assunnah)
88.O all mankind! Robbmu one and father of one. There is no excess for an Arab over the Ajam (non-Arab) and for a non-Arab over an Arab and who (skinned) red on black and black on the red, except with piety. Did I already say this? (HR. Ahmad)
89.There should be no distractions (no adverse consequences and depressing) and there should be no coercion. (HR. Malik)
90.Quite nasty people who insulted his brother. (HR. Muslim)
91. It is not lawful for a Muslim away (disconnect) with his brother more than three nights. Let them meet for dialogue suggests the hearts and the best was the first to salute (greeting). (HR. Bukhari)
92. Whoever mimic the behavior of a people then he classified them. (HR. Ahmad and Abu Dawood)
93.Will not enter Paradise who likes to steal the news (like overhear other people's secrets news). (HR. Bukhari)
94.The parable of those who believe in the mutual love and compassion as one body. If the chief complain (dizziness) then the whole body is not able to sleep, and fever. (HR. Muslim)
95.Comrade pious companion is like a perfume seller. If he does not give a fragrance, you will smell the fragrance. While the poor fellow companion like artisan blacksmith. If you have not licked the fire, you will be exposed to the smoke. (HR. Bukhari)
96.There is no believer who do not hold the mandate and no religion for people who do not keep their promises. (HR. Ad-Dailami)
97.Fulfill the mandate of the people who mengamanatimu and do not betraying the people who betrayed you. (HR. Ahmad and Abu Dawood)
98.People who consulted (polled) is a person who can hold the mandate (to be honest, sincere and able to keep a secret). (HR. Ath-Thabrani)
99. I looked into Paradise and I saw most of its inhabitants poor people (poor). Then I looked into Hell and I saw most of its inhabitants were women. (HR. Bukhari and Muslim) This hadith is the poor who are patient and grateful and most women go to hell is because a lot of complaining to her husband and did not want to be grateful.

Wallahu A'lam bishawab

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